There are some things so big you just don't know what to do with them.

Like big stuffed toys. Seriously. What are you supposed to do with those things?

Some big things are so big that they deserve something big to compliment them.

Like a 1000th blog post. Yes that's right. This is my 1000th blog post!

In almost 4 years I have published 1000 posts. When you add that to the numerous draft posts that have never seen the light of day?

Well, that's a lot of words and pictures. And spelling and grammar mistakes!

So when I was thinking about what to do for my 1000th post, I thought that something this big needed something equally as big to go with it.

But what?

I thought I could take a shitload of photos, and make it my most epic photo-laden post of all time, but that would probably take forever to load on everyones devices and probably make the internet explode.

I thought I could write and write and write and make it my most longest post ever. But that would probably be pretty boring for most people and use up all of my precious blogging ideas in one go!

I thought I could go out and do something ridiculously awesome and dangerous, take lots of photos of it, and then give you the world's best account of the world's best stunt. But that Felix Baumgartener guy beat me to it apparently. Bastard!

I thought I could host the most massive, the most epic of big giveaways but then that would either take time and effort trying to find people to give me shit to giveaway, or it would cost me money buying shit to giveaway. And who can be bothered.

So I thought and I thought about it. I thought about it for weeks. 

What would be big enough to put in a post with a milestone of such big importance?

And then it came to me. The perfect thing. The biggest of big things.
Baby Purtell #2.
Arriving July 2013
Surely that has to be big enough?

Linking this post up as always with Essentially Jess. Because it's Tuesday. And I Blog on Tuesday. Do you?


Psych Babbler said…
Congratulations for both --- the 1000th and Baby Purtell #2! That is big news... :)
BossyMummy said…
Congratulations!!!!!!! What exciting news on both counts. Best wishes for the rest of your pregnancy and here's to 1000 more posts :)

Hello from #teamIBOT
Haha, excellent!! No-one could top that. Congratulations!!!! Rachel xx
Kevin said…
That's awesome! Congrats. With another on the way I'm sure you'll find plenty to write your next 100 posts about
Seana Smith said…
That's big!!! Many congratulations on your pregnancy... but also the 1000th post, that's amazing, very few bloggers can say they've done 1000 posts - not me! All the best and hope you are taking it easy.
MsMandie said…
Definitely the best way to celebrate 1000!
Huge congratulations x
Housewife in Heels said…
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! So excited for you! Have a 4 year olds birthday party to attend, and then am going to come home and write a decent comment :)
ColoursofSunset said…
Wow! Best way to announce a baby ever! I hope I don't have to wait for 1000 posts to make the same announcement though. It'll be years! ;-) Congratulations!
Tamsyn Riley said…
Congratulations all round!! So excited for you xx
Sophie Allen said…
Oh Wow!!!! So exciting! Congrats you guys!!!
always Josefa said…
my crazy, melting in the heat on the coast of NSW internet won't let me see your images, but I can read the words! CONGRATULATIONS!!! team IBOT is having a baby!!! that is truly awesome, wishing you a healthy, uneventful pregnancy and a very easy delivery - congrats on 1000 posts!! this bubba has much reading to catch up on! xx
Yellow_Dandy said…
Congratulations!! Very very excited for you!! I loved Up The Duff for my first pregnancy, so funny!!
Rhianna said…
Oh how exciting!!!! That sure is big! Congratulations lovely wishing you and your bump all the very best. Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses
Congratulations on 10000 and a bubba! Awesome news Kylz. xxx
Yvette said…
YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!! Congratulations on 1000 posts!!!! Was wondering where this post was going... and then BOOOM!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY Congratulations on BUBBA!!! xx Love your work honey!!! (and by work I mean your posts....)

#teamIBOT was here
Rebecca Westphal said…
Now, that is BIG! And super exciting! Congratulations on your 1000th post, and the most wonderful way to celebrate it :-)
SarahMac said…
Omgggggg! Perfect! Congratulations, how wonderful xx
Emily said…
OMG - I didn't see that one coming - I'VE GOT GOOSEBUMPS. Congratulations - that is such great news! Whenever I hear baby news I think about the birth of my 3 babies, and it's very emotional. I hope you're feeling well! Emily :)
Rita said…
OMG OMG OMG!!! That's the biggest and the best ever news you can announce for your 1000 post! CONGRATULATIONS on both Kylie! I'm very happy for you! YEAH!
Beck said…
Awww congratulations on Blog post 1000 and baby #2. So very happy for you on both accounts xx
SubversiveReader said…
Congratulations - what a wonderful blog birthday present!
Kelly HTandT said…
You managed to drag that out, didn't you? LOL.
Woo hoo! Congratulations on the big 1000, and of course on the newest Purtell fetus. Good times ahead :) x
Chrissie at Organised Chaos said…
Congratulations! That's great news! And a great way to announce :)
Alicia O'Brien said…
Congratulations! That is fantastic news! I might close my mouth now :)
July is an AWESOME month for bebehs! I feel so chuffed that I knew before the official announcement ;) Weeeeeee! x
Talia Carbis said…
Congratulations!! This is such excellent news Kylie!
Mumabulous said…
Wow - Congratulations. How lovely that Mia will be getting a brother or sister.
Zanni said…
Grace Titioka said…
OOOOOOHHHH WOWZAAAAA!!! That's such fabulous news! Congratulations!
Haha! Love, love LOVE! Bring on July!!! xxxxxx
Oooh, I hope it's not too big, if you know what I mean! Congrats. x
This news really made me smile. Massive congratulations xx
rhian @melbs said…
Oh Congratulations, how lovely. Congrats on the baby too ;-)
Kirsty @ My Home Truths said…
Squeeeee! You certainly know how to celebrate - but seriously, did you really have to go THAT far to celebrate 1000 posts? But seriously, congratulations Kylez, that's awesome, awesome news!
Congratulations, both on the bub-to be and the 1000th post, fantastic news :)
Amy Wells said…
Wahhhhh ..... How you can ignore my comment on your other post! See what happens hen I take my baby to the movies to escape the heat - I miss very important blog posts! A huge congratulations to you my friend!
Tracey @ Bliss Amongst Chaos said…
That's huge!!!
Congratulations on: 1. Your 1000th post. Awesome! I can't even imagine writing 1000 posts, so I think you are just legendary!
2. Wow! Baby number 2! How exciting! I am so happy for you and the family. I'm sure Mia will be a wonderful big sister. That really is just the best news :)
EssentiallyJess said…
So ridiculously excited for you! Two IBOT babies this year! Lots of squishy goodness xxx
So exciting! Congratulations. Looking forward to reading all about it here. V.
Kylie Purtell said…
Thanks V, I look forward to sharing it!
Kylie Purtell said…
I know, it's so exciting! So much squishy goodness!
Kylie Purtell said…
Thanks Tracey. I certainly can waffle on a lot that's for sure. And it will be interesting to see how Mia goes as a big sister, I'm looking forward to seeing how she handles it.
Kylie Purtell said…
Lol, yep, you must never leave the house again! Thanks Amy!
Kylie Purtell said…
Hahahaha I know, the things I'll do for my blogging! I must admit I actually slowed down my posting once I realised I was getting close to the 1000 and that I could time the dates if I was careful!
Kylie Purtell said…
Hahaha, thanks Rhian!
Kylie Purtell said…
Thanks Catherine. I'm pretty sure I haven't been able to wipe the smile off my face since I found out.
Kylie Purtell said…
Hahaha, yep me too, me too!
Kylie Purtell said…
Thanks Grace! Unlike the last time I was pregnant I have a feeling July is gonna come round quicker than I'm expecting!
Kylie Purtell said…
Thanks! I am looking forward to seeing her as a big sister that's for sure.
Kylie Purtell said…
Thanks Talia, I'm very excited. It's funny how I thought the month before that I was pregnant and I wasn't and then bam! Next month I was!
Kylie Purtell said…
It certainly is prime baby month that's for sure! xx
Housewife in Heels said…
Sorry it took me so long to get back to you, but I was plastered from that 4 year old party- you know how it is when you have too much red cordial :) I am thrilled about your news. I think Mia will be a great older sister. Hope your pregnancy is going smoothly and your not suffering too much from morning sickness. It's especially hard when you have to keep up with a busy 1 year old. I can't wait to see what you come up with for your 2000th post! Twins? ;)
jessica crawford said…
Congratulations! That's definitely one way to celebrate 1000!
daddownunder said…
A lolly stick and a book, I don't get it ; ) Congrats Kylie, that's huge and very befitting for your 1000th. Maybe every 1000 you have another baby?