Shooting through 2017 {July} | #52weekproject

Oh July, what a gloriously beautiful month you were. Busy, as always, but filled with some beautiful winter weather, notwithstanding that freak 28 degree day on Zee's birthday! It's only 5 weeks now until we head off on our 10 night cruise to the South Pacific to celebrate my Mum's 60th birthday. We are all beyond excited, and I can't quite believe it's come around so fast.

So fast in fact that I have only just last week submitted the forms for the girls' passports! If everything goes to plan they should be here with a few weeks to spare. It was one of those things that back in January when we booked the cruise I thought "Oh, we have heaps of time" and then I went to bed and woke up and it was August!

Time. It's such a mind-flip!

Now that's its August it means it's time to share the July images from my 52 week projects. Let's get down to it...

~  S I S T E R S   ~   W E E K S   2 8 - 3 1  ~
Clockwise from left:
Week 31 - Celebrating mine & Dave's anniversary together with a trip to the park
Week 28 - Savouring slow mornings spent together eating breakfast during the school holidays
Week 29 - If there are sticks & water, the girls are not far away!
Week 30 - One from my Roll of 36 challenge, watching the kids at the park

~  P U N K Y   ~   W E E K S   2 8 - 3 1  ~
Clockwise from left:
Week 28 - We introduced Punky to Mario Kart and it's taught her a lot of valuable things I never thought a video game could! Such as patience & resilience. 
Week 29 - Practicing the bubble blowing
Week 30 - Chasing bubbles on Zee's birthday
Week 31 - The look she gives me when I ask her to look at my camera (which is why I don't ask often!)

~  Z E E   ~   W E E K S   2 8 - 3 1  ~
Clockwise from left:
Week 28 - The girls had a choice of a rainbow paddlepop or a kinder surprise when we went to the servo to get petrol one day in the holidays. Zee instantly chose a paddlepop, Punky ummed & ahhed and chose a kinder surprise and then regretted it before we even got home. Thus ensured much tears & foot stomping and pleading with Zee to swap with her. Zee, being possessed of a beautiful soul offered to share her paddlepop with Punky bite-for-bite. This girl just can't say no to her big sister and will do anything to make her happy!
Week 29 - Having to wait for Dad to put your helmet on be like...
Week 30 - Turning 4, and stuffing her face with chocolate from the pinata!
Week 31 - Enjoying the sunshine and being pushed on the swing, it's pretty much her most favourite thing to do in life!

How did July look for you? Got anything exciting coming up this month?
