Gardening with Kids {Planting a herb garden} | For the Kids

About a month ago I went to the local farmer's market with my sister, and while we were there I found a little Cayenne chilli plant for only $5 so I bought it for Dave. He'd been talking about wanting to start growing his own chillis, as he uses so many of them in his cooking he figured he may as well try growing them too.

We moved the old veggie bed that had been sitting neglected since before Punky was born, got some new soil and popped the little chilli in. Since then it's grown two more chillis, and has some promising flowers on it. The girls have loved going out to help Dave check on the chilli and give it some water each day, and Punky in particular has been fascinated by how it's growing.

So on the weekend we decided we'd expand our fledgling garden with some of the more common herbs that Dave uses in his cooking. We packed the girls in the car and headed to Bunnings, and after a tense hour we found ourselves the proud new owners of 6 different herb plants, as well as various pots, and a packet of flower seeds that Punky picked out. Oh, and two butterfly garden ornaments. Can't forget the ornaments (the girls won't let me!).

Of course then the weather decided to be rainy and cold so we didn't get a chance to plant our new herbs until yesterday. The weather was perfect for a little gardening and Punky really enjoyed helping Dave put the new herbs in to their pots. We spoke about what each one is for, looked at the leaves and talked about the differences, and spent a bit of time breathing in their lovely fragrance (I could seriously wear Rosemary as a perfume!).

Once the herbs were planted it was time to get the flower seeds in to their seedling trays and then give everything a good drink. The seeds Punky picked out were an assortment of easy and fast growing flowers. It will be her job to make sure they get watered and looked after, and she's going to take photos of their progress on my old phone that they use for games.

Zee lost interest in the activity pretty quickly and spent most of the time playing and wandering around, although now and then she'd come over to see what was happening and get her hands dirty when she could!

Our little garden will be great once the herbs really get going, Dave and I already have plans of what we are going to cook with them first. It's really cool to see Punky so in to it, and I think it will be a great way teach her a little responsibility, and also about how plants work and grow, as well as a great way to talk about the environment and how everything works together.

Do you grow any herbs or vegetables? Are your kids in to gardening?

Linking up with Essentially Jess for IBOT.

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