Confessions of a New Mum - Part Two - Stitched Up | Motherhood
I confess...
I sooked way more getting stitched up after giving birth than I did during the actual labour and delivery.
You would think that after pushing out 3.5kgs of human baby I could hack a few stitches
but you would be wrong! Seriously, the pain and discomfort I felt while they stitched up my second degree tear was way worse than any of the contractions or the actual pushing out of said 3.5kgs of human baby! Call me a sook (my husband wanted to he told me later, lucky he kept his mouth shut or they would have been stitching him up!) but it is what it is. Thank God I didn't have to have a c-sec, can you imagine the sooking I would have done then!
I don't know if it's because, after having gone through the the whole labour and then an hour and a half of pushing that I was just so over the whole thing, and having no control over my body, or if it really was that painful because I was getting stitched up outside and inside (thanks to the munchkin coming out with her arm up around her head, yeah, she will be hearing about that when she is older!) or I am really just the world's biggest whinger, but man did I sook.
I didn't cry, but I bitched and moaned quite a bit in between being in awe of this naked, gooey, little thing on my chest. It took about 40 mins for the OB to stitch me up. He apparently used a pudendal(sp?) block but it didn't feel like it! It's enough to make me wanna investigate perineal massage before we have another one in the hopes that I can avoid that next time!
I think if I had to put it in order I'd say the worst part about giving birth was the stitching up afterwards, followed by the pushing stage, with the least worst part being the labour.
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Not long after this I was having my lady bits hacked at by a mad man! OK, not really, that's what it felt like but he was doing me a favour |
It just felt so unnatural to me, and I was so exhausted from having been awake for close to 24 hours at that stage that I just felt like I had nothing left. And to then have to lie there and have more poking and prodding while delivering the placenta (which I don't actually remember doing) and then being stitched up, when all I wanted to do was to be left alone with my husband and the tiny life we had created, I think I just gave up trying to be tough and sooked! I didn't go as far as telling the OB what I thought of him attacking my lady parts with a needle and thread (the word fucknut comes to mind) but I came close, and if looks could kill? Let's just say he would have shrivelled up and died, right there on the spot.
I know I am so lucky to have had a relatively easy time of it compared to what some women go through trying to birth their babies and I don't know about anyone else, but that was the worst part for me and the part I'm praying to not have to go through again when we decide to have the next one.
What did you find was the worst part about giving birth?
Previous Confessions...
Confessions of a New Mum Part One - Learning Curves and 'Un'Enjoyment
Confessions of a New Mum Part Two - Stitched Up
Confessions of a New Mum Part Three - The Part-time SAHM
Confessions of a New Mum Part Four - Mum Appreciation
Confessions of a New Mum Part Five - Losing My Confidence
Confessions of a New Mum - Kelly from Handmade Tears and Triumphs (Guest Post)
Confessions of a New Mum - Bron from Big Brother, Little Sister & the Baby (Guest Post)
Confessions of a New Mum - Jenn from Mountains & Musings (Guest Post)
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Ronnie xo
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