Blog Snobs

For the record, although it may seem that way, this is NOT a rant about GOMI. The whinging is not restricted to that forum alone, I've heard this whinge in many places from many different people and I'm just a bit sick of hearing it. And yes I do realise that having a whinge myself could be seen as being contradictory, but hey, just have a look at the name of my blog for the answer to that!

What I consider to be a good post, good writing, decent Internet viewing, is going to come down purely to my own personal taste, which will be shaped by my life experience.

So get the fuck over it OK?
{Image found here}
No, you are not going to like everything you see and read on the Internet. No you are not going to 'get' every blog you read, relate to every blog you read, like every blog you read. But to say that there aren't any good blogs? Well, I hate to break it to you, but you ain't looking hard enough.

And since when did the Internet exist purely for your own entertainment? You are not the only person in the world who uses the Internet and as such there is going to be plenty of shit on there that you don't wanna read. If it shits you so much then go to a bookstore and read a book. Buy a magazine and read that. 

I am so fucking over hearing people whinge about how they can't find good blogs to read. Nobody writes anything decent. I mean, like, how unfair is it that nobody writes exactly what you want to read, when you want to read it. How dare some people write about stuff that doesn't interest you. "Where are all the good writers DAMMMIT!" everybody cries!

You know what? I'm not really in to whimsical photos and pretty things and lots of fashion, because that's just not the kind of person I am. So I DON'T READ blogs that are predominantly like that. But do I get the shits that people are posting this stuff on THEIR blogs because its stuff that THEY like? Does it bother me that there are people who DO like that stuff and only want to read blogs that have that stuff? Do I judge those bloggers or readers?

No. Because I don't have my fucking head up my arse.

It's not like this stuff is being crammed down your throat and you can't avoid it. If you're seeing this shit its because you're putting yourself in a position to see it. Don't follow it on facebook. Or Twitter. Or Instagram. Or Bloglovin, or any of the other ways this shit gets shoved down your throat. If I get sick of seeing a certain thing being posted all the time then I unsubscribe, I un-follow, and I move on with my life and concentrate on the stuff I do want shoved down my throat [insert gutter-trash joke here].

It's not like vile & vulgar TV shows, where the argument of "Just switch it off" or "Don't watch it" is a cop-out, there is limited choice for some people in TV, especially if you don't wanna pay for it or access it illegally. But when it comes to the Internet, the choice is endless and you can choose what blogs and sites you do and don't read/follow.

Lately I've been getting really shitted off by the whinge that there are no decent or good Aussie blogs. What shits me is the whinge about the lack of decent writing and deep-thinking. Sure there are LOTS of blogs that don't have deep-thinking. But there are many that do. I won't comment on the decent writing part because decent writing means different things to different people. For some its purely technical, do they use good grammar, spell correctly, etc. For others its the subject matter they tackle and how well they do that and make a clear point. 

But the way I see it, if you want to find some good blogs to read then you're gonna have to do a few things first.

Number 1. Pull your head out of your arse.

Number 2. Check your smugness and superiority at the door. You and your blog are no better than anyone else out there. One persons awesomely talented blogger is another persons GOMI, and that's just a fact of life you're gonna have to deal with! Taste is subjective and comes down to personal preference and just because you don't like someone doesn't mean they aren't worthy to be a blogger. There are a few blogs out there that I can't stand. But do I get the shits and sook about it? No. Because its not my place to judge them.

If you wanna hate on those blogs then go right ahead, don't let me stop you or dictate to you what you should or shouldn't be liking, enjoying or reading. But if you don't like it then move right along. If you don't have anything nice to say about the person writing the blog then don't say anything at all! By all means have a discussion about what you think constitutes a decent blog, what you do and don't like about blogs, how you feel about sponsored posts, etc. Those kinds of discussions can benefit everyone, and its why I read GOMI, because I find it interesting to see what people think constitutes a good blog or good writing, perspectives on sponsored stuff and monetising, etc (although they could be bit clearer about some stuff, I haven't figured out yet what exactly they consider to be 'good writing'). I could do without the really personal attacks though.

This is how a blog post about what you do or don't like about blogging should be written. It's by a girl called Brittany at a blog called Love Comes First. It's very well written, respectful, and makes many of the same points that the whingers have been making, but in a nice, constructive way. She also calls out blog snobs but from the other side of the coin, with a different meaning than I am using. Go have a read, its worth it.

Number 3. Once you've removed your head from your arse, and checked that smugness and superiority, spend a bit of time just floating around the blogosphere. There are plenty of ways to find new blogs to read. You can check out the blog rolls on the blogs you already read and enjoy for a start (if they have them, some don't which is crazy!). You need to be prepared to spend the time to find your gems. I know I sure as heck don't have hours upon hours to spend looking for new blogs that appeal to me, but I still manage to find them. Discovering new things on the net usually takes time and patience coz there is a lot of stuff out there that won't appeal to you. But if you're not prepared to wade through it all to find the stuff that does? Well, that's your problem, not the Internets. It's just the nature of the beast.

Taste is subjective. As I said in my last post (and many others), on the Dymocks 101 list...

"We humans are all so different and unique. And as such, the type of book that one person loves is the type of book that another hates and classes as the worst written piece of drivel in history. To them."

The same goes for blogging. And just because people want to read different things to you doesn't make them inferior or you superior.It just makes you different.

If you haven't found any new blogs that appeal to you, that's not the blogger's fault. They don't owe you anything. There are plenty of smaller blogs out there that have great writing, interesting content, and they interact with their readers. You just have to try a little harder to find them. And if you're not prepared to do that? Then you don't deserve to find them and you don't have the right to whinge that there's none out there.

There is nothing wrong with liking a certain type of blog, or disliking another type. Just don't decry the entire Aussie blogosphere because YOU haven't been able to find ones that you like.

Blog snobs are as bad as book snobs in my opinion.

If you want a few interesting blogs to read then look no further than my sidebar. Those blogs listed there? Those are my daily reads, the ones I check every day to see if they have updated. Why? Because I enjoy what they post and write about. I can't guarantee that you'll like any of them though. Because, thank god, we are different people and like different things. But its a starting point. You can also try my blog roll, the link is up in the menu bar under my header. I enjoy those too. I also have a Pinterest board with blogs that I like which can be found here. They are many and varied and I like them for different reasons.

You could also check out one of the many link-ups (IBOT being one of them) that happen around the place for new blogs to read. You don't even have to link up yourself to read some of the people that do. You might be surprised by what you find!

The Aussie blogosphere is filled with with way more than crap. 

And surely there is a place for everyone in that sphere, for the funny, for the sarcastic, for the craft, for the whimsy, for the creative, for the deep-thinkers, for the recipes, for the swearers and for the Seinfeldian*?

What do you think? Do I have a point? Or am I just talking out my arse?

*For the record, I define a Seinfeldian blog as a blog about nothing. Much like my blog.


Kylie Purtell said…
BRAVO! Blogs are so personal for so many so how dare someone accuse them of being bland when they are just doing as they please in their OWN SPACE? As you say, it's a big ol thing, cyberspace, doesn't owe anyone anything!
Kylie Purtell said…
Yeah - what she said!
Kylie Purtell said…
I think I'm in love. That rant spoke to me! Awesome awesome rant Kylie. So agree.
Kylie Purtell said…
I think you've summed it up!! I'm over the blanket statements of 'there aren't any good blogs anymore'. It just isn't true!! x Karen
Kylie Purtell said…
Yep, yep and yep. Excellent post, very well said.
Kylie Purtell said…
Whoa - i must have my head in the sand as I haven't heard all this whingeing (thank god). I just gloss over the stuff that I find a bit dull, but then, everybody deserves to be listened to and Itry to give everybody that respect. I do find it frustrating when I visit a lot of blogs and don't get the same love back - but i'm old enough and ugly enough to deal with it and at the end of the day i blog because it's a way of making sense of my world. I tend to read others' blogs whom i'm becoming familiar with - like yours - because I feel like i'm visiting a cyberfriend.
Kylie Purtell said…
TOTALLY agree with you. If I come across a blog that doesn't appeal to me, I close out and find go looking for something else. I just don't get some people !
Have the best day and take care !
Kylie Purtell said…
Ha! Great post. Really some of these whingers have way too much time on their hands. I read what interests me. I just don't have time for anything else.
Kylie Purtell said…
I 100% agree with you! I read GOMI and I think that it has its place on the internet, it can be beneficial and it can be helpful, however I really do not agree with them taking it personal. There is no need for that! Some of the attacks on bloggers have been a disgusting display of human compassion and behaviour! Pages upon pages of bitching about people and their lives - uncalled for! Like you said... if you dont like the blogger or their blog, just dont visit them! Simple as that!!
Unknown said…
The blogosphere is a BIG place, I dont see how anyone can make those kind of comments when its near impossible to have read everything that is out there - they need to look harder!! OR stop looking altogether and get a life!

Kylie Purtell said…
It's the whole point of blogs isn't it? The variety so that people can pick and choose what they like.
But some people like to bitch and you'll never please them. Others are lashing out from a place of hurt I've seen comments from people who are obviously working hard and trying to write thoughtful timely stuff and not getting feedback, I firmly believe that putting others down doesn't lift you up but I can see what causes them to be that way. It's a shame but it seems to be the nature of things, I do agree they need to stop and seek out what they enjoy and inspires them.

The only thing I don't agree with is TV we didn't like what was on offer for eg the trite morning shows and turned it off we haven't had it plugged in to the aerial for over a year now (even before that we rarely used it) if we want to watch something there are other ways to access it now.
Kylie Purtell said…
Makes sense. Did something (someone?) in particular inspire this, or just general sickery-ness of people wanting only what they want?
(Wow, me speak good English today.)
Kylie Purtell said…
You need to choose your reading of blogs just like your reading of novels. I read some because they are more politically slanted, I rad some because I love to shop, some because I need advice and support with parenting and I read some to laugh and brighten my day.
Kylie Purtell said…
I could not wait to get to the end of this post to write a comment - but I was reading and reading and loving every word! :) You have it in one blog post.. The reason there are so many variety of blogs out there - is because people DO different things. I know I don't write 'well' - thats why I stopped DTLS and focused on the one thing I am passionate about. I know my cooking isn't great (or my housekeeping haha) but I do like a challenge and love making my lunches for my children. :) You, my dear, have made my day, week and month!
Kylie Purtell said…
definitely agree - i never understand people who slag off bloggers on their site or facebook page when they could simply turn away - the right people will find your blog... if you are in the wrong place that is about you, not the blogger
Kylie Purtell said…
So true! It's as though some of the whiners think cyberspace is limited and it's going to be filled with too many ideas... LOOK OUT, HERE COME NEW BLOGGERS, RUN!
Kylie Purtell said…
Love, Love, Love this!
Kylie Purtell said…
Hello! First time reader here. What a great post. I love your honesty. I was pretty much nodding my head the whole time I read. If you don't like something you can easily 'switch off' it's not that hard. I look forward to reading your future posts.
Kylie Purtell said…
You go Kylez! Even though you can't see my, I'm standing up and clapping. Time for heads do come out of arses, alright! xx
Kylie Purtell said…
RANT away girl i TOTALLY agree! Can I add to this that I can stand it when my 'friends' read my blog to see what I've been up to instead of calling me and then get shitting about what's been happening. They diss my blog then stalk it, because they don't think blogs are 'cool' or whatever. Love a good rant xxx Em
Kylie Purtell said…
Have a look at the typos in my comment .... sorry x
Kylie Purtell said…
Great post! There are so many incredible bloggers who inspire me every day. If only I had more time I know I would discover hundreds more. And I wish I had time to read all of them. There is something wrong if you have enough time to read blogs you hate every day and then whine about them.Man oh man would I love that luxury! And then to participate quite nastily in forums about them too. Quite a few fogged up mirrors in people's homes
Kylie Purtell said…
I must admit, I do make the choice to just not watch that crap, I really can't stand morning tv, it's kinda like talk back radio and just so full of shit. I would find it hard to switch off completely though so I'm impressed that you have.
Kylie Purtell said…
Haha, I know exactly what you mean! Although sometimes I have the opposite problem, one of my friends less her heart, is always on my case if I haven't updated for a few days or weeks and I gotta admit I kinda like it. Makes me feel loved!
Kylie Purtell said…
Lol, my comments are always so full of typos because I am trying so hard to get my thoughts out before I forget them so I totally understand!
Kylie Purtell said…
Not really no, it's just a sentiment that I feel has been building around the place and I don't agree with it. There are definitely some shit blogs out there and it just gets to me that the entire Aussie blogosphere is judged because of those few, because I don't see it, I think there are so many good blogs I don't have enough time to read them. I wish reading blogs could be my full time job!
Kylie Purtell said…
I love that about the Internet too, and blogging especially, everyone is entitled to an opinion. And I think, in my opinion, that's what a good blog and writer can do too, you can read one post and love it and nod along, and then read the next post and be all like "what!? No way". But then the next day you read another post from that same blogger and you're nodding along again. I love it!
Kylie Purtell said…
Holy crap I LOVE this post! It is perfection.

I started blogging years ago. Since I started the Aussie blogosphere has changed sooo much - so have I for that matter. Once upon a time it was hard to find Aussie blogs, these days there are so many more that cover so many different styles. And it's refreshing. There is something for everyone.

I think you win the best blog rant ever award :)

MC x
Kylie Purtell said…
Oh yes, I love quite a few of those ladies too! Thank you for reminding me. I will be adding more pins to that Pinterest board over the course of this evening I think!
Kylie Purtell said…
My comments are also often full of typos, often because i,'m enjoying a few wines when commenting! Great post Kylie. x
Kylie Purtell said…
Amen. Maybe I've been a blog snob occasionally but I spend a lot of time looking outside the well known Aussie blogosphere and find smaller known blogs that I love. And the. I share them. And return for more reading.
Such a great post Kylie. Thank you.
Kylie Purtell said…
Love it Kylie!! So glad the internet has something for everyone! ;) xx
Kylie Purtell said…
I am such a blog snob. If I don't like the first paragraph of a post, I switch off and never come back. I have to admit though that I haven't made much effort lately to discover any new blogs and tend to focus on the few I know and love. I know I haven't been here in a while and I should have been.

Thank you for writing this, Kylie.
Kylie Purtell said…
Awesome post - you've hit the nail on the head with this one Kylez
Kylie Purtell said…
Absolutely brilliant! I really don't know what all this blog snobbery is all about, quite frankly I didn't even know about GOMI until I went to dpcon and it was mentioned there.

The internet is vast and in my eyes there is room for everyone. Just like real life, everyone has a right to pick and choose what they read, who they befriend, who they follow. Why does it have to become so ugly and twisted?!

Live and let live maybe ? Loved it Kylez, well done xx
Kylie Purtell said…
This is why I don't have many 'must read' blogs. I prefer to find them through social media (in your case I found this through facebook) and while I might not go back to their blog religiously, there is quite a few posts of theirs that I read. This is also how I have found most of my new blogs. Even in GOMI not all of them agree with who are the *shit* bloggers so I think that no one has the right to choose who is good and who is not. It's such a personal choice.
Kylie Purtell said…
Love the title of your Blog Roll - Ladies I'd Like to Lunch With - ahhh totally :) nice bunch you've gathered there. Yup completely subjective - and I agree if you don't enjoy it don't follow. That simple. God bless that diverse writing world we read in. Amen to all those unusual blog snobs and others - keep writing your own style and people are sure to read (fingers crossed :)
Kylie Purtell said…
A little while ago, you commented on a post on my FB page, and I wondered; "are we talking about the same thing?" And I am now fairly certain we were. :) And I agree 100% with this post. If you don't have anything nice to say, then SHUT UP, and find something else to read xx
Kylie Purtell said…
OMG Kylez! I could feel you shouting through the page! I agree there is so much out there to choose from when it comes to Aussie bloggers. I read and commented on the post you are referring to and I did say that the whimsically designed blogs annoyed me because there seemed so much sameness around. I do exercise my right to move on and click away to the next blog. And there are so many that I am loving these days that I don't have time to get around and read them all or comment on them all. You're one gutsy chick to write this and good on you! V.
Kylie Purtell said…
*cries because original comment got eaten by system*

I agree with you and only wish I was a faster reader so I could cover more unknown blog territory. I don't know why it is people feel so entitled to rant-stamp a blog as bad. If you have something constructive to say, say it and people will be interested to know. If you just get personal or generally negative, it's purely subjective and no one gives a shit except people just like you too.

I used to think I was a Personal Blogger. But now I know I'm SEINFELDIAN and found my rightful home, bless you Kylie.
Kylie Purtell said…
Hello there, there's far too much good stuff to read... I never feel I am getting close to reading all the stuff I'd like to. But that's blogs, books, magazines, the whole lot. I'm interested in everything and don't even mind poor writing style when there's great lessons, emotion, whatever. And I don't believe in the Aussie blogosphere, by the way. There are so many types of regular online writing, it seems daft to me to try to lump them all together. I see my wee space as a tiny magazine-style online thinggy...
Kylie Purtell said…
And here I am feeling spoiled for choice with so many blogs I love to read but just don't have time - and I keep finding more. I don't necessarily enjoy every post from the one blog and that's ok, i may not be in the right mood or mind frame But the simple solution is just click away and come back another day if and when I feel like it. No one is forcing me to read something I dont like so I just dont get the need to complain about how someone doesnt like the way they write or the content or whatever????
I dont know what has sparked you to write this post hun but good on you for standing up for what you believe in and speaking your mind. That takes guts and I applaud you. As I said I seem to have missed whatever has happened to motivate this post. Was it yet another whoooo haaa on the internets?? Ahhh just another reason why I like it in my self made bubble, besides I have vodka, a blog reader and salsa dip in my bubble - what more could I want? ;) x
Kylie Purtell said…
I think the biggest thing is just the implication that because someone does like a lot of blogs and likes to read those blogs that others can't stand, it somehow makes everyone who does like to read the blogs stupid or an idiot. I think that's a point I probably didn't put across. I'm actually more offended as a reader than a writer!

Your bubble sounds awesome Sonia, the only thing I would add is chocolate!
Kylie Purtell said…
I am new to the blogging scene and still a bit blind and possibly naive to all the negativity people have been talking about lately. I had a small glimpse of it recently and was astounded that some people think they have the right to tell others what they should and shouldn't be writing - you said it so perfectly, well done! I especially like the bit about pulling heads out of arses - bahaha - love it! I just don't understand why people can't just think, "oh, I don't really like that blog, I won't follow it, instead I will find something else to read" aarrgghh - it's not that hard people!!
Kylie Purtell said…
you are a superstar Kylie - so crazy famous now from this post ;)
I agree with so many things, but I especially like the idea of floating around the blogosphere - it is amazing what you can find floating up there xx
Kylie Purtell said…
Well said Kylez xxx
Kylie Purtell said…
This post. It is good. I also had no idea I was on your daily reads. So, chuffed as well. I am like you a lot (with perhaps a shade less air guitar) - blogs that are frilly-frollby I tend not to read, but then I've met many of those bloggers who do frillby (and do it well) and they are usually brilliant birds. Their blogs are not my cup of tea to read (in fact, comparatively few are) but so bloody what? It didn't take me long to find some excellent EXCELLENT Australian blogs who float my boat (yours included). And new ones will pop up that I love as well. Plenty of room in the blogosphere for everyone. No need to snob-on. Over and out. Kx
Kylie Purtell said…
So well said Kylie! It upset me so much when I hear the whinging about that there are no good writers in the blogosphere or that anyone can start a blog even though they are not good writers. Seriously, if a person don't like my blog or any other blog there no torture to read it. Why would you even bother unless you're masochist and really like to suffer! Also, as you said, if the blogger is happy with what she/he is writing than what's the problem.
Kylie Purtell said…
Best. Post.Ever. I think those fashion blogs can be a little intimidating but only because there is no way in the world I could ever live like that (as much as I'd like to!) As for blog snobs? Go write your own then you would have found the perfect blog!
Kylie Purtell said…
Great post Kylie. There is so much variety out there in blogland, as you say something for everyone.
Kylie Purtell said…
Excellent points! I have been told that my blog doesn't fit into a category and hardly any bloggers actually read it at all. My audience is very eclectic. I'm sure many people find it idiotic however some people do like it and that's good enough for me. I've never found a blog I didn't like to be truthful. They all have something to offer. I just wish I had the time and tenacity to read them all regularly.
Kylie Purtell said…
I find it so funny that people attack other people online, like its OK to speak like that to someone because its in writing? Would you say something like that face to face? Most likely NOT!! Why can't people be nice to one another, or walk away? In this case if the blog is not what you are looking for, then read another blog. You know what gets my back up is Bloggers thinking they are better than other bloggers - that to me is a huge No-No we all need to support each other and not hurt one another. The world we live in today is way different to when our parents were raising children but I still think its important to live by my late Grandma's words "Have nothing nice to say, then say nothing at all" :)
Kylie Purtell said…
I loved this the first time I read it, and I still love the hell out of it.
Kylie Purtell said…
I love, love, love this post! I found it because I was looking for an image to go along with a post I just wrote about this same f-en issue. I "borrowed" your image...hope that is okay, and I also linked to this post as well. I will be stopping by from time to time :)