Can I Quote You on That?
I have been sitting in front of the computer for ages doing anything but what I originally sat down to do, which is to write a post for IBOT.

I have posts in my drafts folder that I could have worked on and used, but I just wasn't feeling them, you know? I've got other ideas for blog posts scribbled in my notebook and listed in notes on my iPhone, but they need more fleshing out than my brain will allow.
So instead of writing a bloody blog post I've been reading other blogs, watching twitter, faffing about on facebook, playing with photos. You know, the usual.
I thought I might just write a post about anything and everything but I've already done that. Then I thought I could write a post about how much I fucking hate cockroaches. But then I remembered I've already done that too.
So I thought and I thought and eventually my brain exploded from overheating and now you have the ghost of Kylez sitting here typing away and there is gonna be one pissed off husband getting home from work in the morning to find not only does he have to clean the bathroom from now on but he has to clean his wife's brains off the floor too. Oh well, it seriously needs a wash, this floor. I don't want to think about how long it's been!
And while trying to remember the last time I washed the floor it came to me (as these things often do when I contemplate any kind of housework, something more interesting always comes along and oh shit, I've run out of time to do the housework, sorry Dave). I'll write a blog post about quotes. Yes I've blogged quotes before, but this time it's different. This time I've invented a word!
Ever since I could read and write I have been obsessed with quotes and have been collecting them in a notepad for years. Inspiring quotes. Funny quotes. Serious quotes. Quotes from books and films (the more I say the word 'quotes' in my head the odder it sounds). Quotes about love and hate, life and death, bongs and blowjobs.
As many of you know, I take a ridiculous amount of photos. More photos than I know what to do with. I have always though that some of my photos would lend themselves quite well to some sweet quotes though. You know, the type you see shared on facebook or pinterest or anywhere for that matter.
I see them everywhere, all over the interwebs and I says to myself, I says "Kylie. You have all of these photos and you do nothing with them. Why not make you own 'quiptures'?" So I did. (Do you see what I did there? Quotes. Pictures. Quiptures! Oh yeah baby, it's almost midnight and I am inventing words. Word)
So without further ado, I present to you some of my favourite quotes, combined with some of my favourite pictures.
My Quiptures.
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Ya like Kel? Do, ya, do ya? |
Aren't they grand! Feel free to pin the shit out of these babies, I got plenty more where they came from. I know you're all dying to know what these quotes about bongs and blowjobs are but to keep your suspense high, and to build the sexual tension, you'll have to wait for another blog post for those. Don't ask me what kind of picture I'm going to use for those quotes though, now is not the time to be thinking of these things or I'll take some photos I regret. Or something.
So there it is bitches my lovelies. My Quiptures. What ya think? Do you have a fave quote you'd like to see me turn in to a totally awesome Quipture? Lay it on me in the comments. And please don't ask me why I'm talking (typing) like a try-hard gangster yo, I can't explain it but it's not unusual. Just ask Kelly HTandT. She has facebook inbox message evidence. Which she will probably use to blackmail me with and make some extra cash coz she is The Budget Queen and she knows how to make the money!
And don't forget that this post is linked up with the raddest of rad rad girls, Jess, coz she hosts the dope IBOT linky which you should totally go check out now! After you leave me a comment of course!

I love the photos, but esp the amazing clouds!
Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses #TeamIBOT
love the pictures!!!
Ai @ Sakura Haruka
I may just have to go pin the shit out of these now ;-)
Seriously though, I love them! Especially the second one of clouds. And I reckon that Ferris Bueller quote is one of my all time favourites.
"quiptures" just perfect
I love the bridge one. :)
I love the Hawkesbury, there are some beautiful places, most of my pics are taken around Yarramundi and the lower lying areas like Cornwallis, I find that's the best spot for sunsets.
Have the best day !
I'm quite fond of "suck it up princess" as my mantra. Works a treat!
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