Ten on the Tenth {March 2016} | Documentary-style Family Photography

How the heck is it mid-March already? Confession... I still have my Christmas Tree up. Yeah, I'm that person. At what point do you concede defeat and just leave it up until next Christmas?
Probably not this point. There really is no excuse for it other than laziness! It's on my list, I promise, there are just way more interesting and fun things on the list that I'd rather do first. I should really pull it down before Easter NEXT WEEK! Either that or I'll just buy some Easter ornaments and re-decorate. What do you think?

Last week was a rough one. Zee was really sick. Sicker than she has been in her short, little life. So there was not a lot of work or sleeping getting done by Dave and I. These photos pretty much sum up what this week was like. Zee was either sleeping, vomiting, or lying down playing/watching the iPad. Punky gloried in escaping the miasma of illness at Preschool, and I took advantage of the unusually quiet and sleeping toddler to snatch a few moments with my favourite magazine.

At the end of the day, no-one could resist tickles and cuddles with Daddy on the lounge. The best medicine we could think of. 

Linking up with My Little Drummer Boys for Wordless Wednesday.

If you're looking for a qualified, professional Sydney Family Photographer or Hawkesbury Family Photographer be sure to check out my professional site at

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