Linky Lovin' Friday {26th September 2014} // Blogging

Howdy, and welcome to another instalment of Linky Lovin' Friday. This is fast becoming my favourite post of the week to write, because there is just so much great content out there to share. I love having this weekly space to give a virtual fist-bump to some of the bloggers who've written the stuff I've loved to read, and I love getting our links and suggestions of things to check out in the comments so please keep em coming!

And without further ado, because I am currently scrambling around my house making sure I've packed everything I need for a Wicked Girls Night in the city tonight, please grab a cuppa, sit back, and say hello to your weekend reading list...

Why I participate in #everydaystyle by You Learn Something New Every Day
I'm still no fashion blogger. I'm not really really ridiculously good looking, and I can't tell you what's so hot right now (except that damn Hansel). But I can tell you something that's always in fashion. And that's feeling good about yourself and what you're wearing.
Emily writes one of my favourite blogs and every time I stop by there my girl-crush gets that little bit stronger. Not only is Emily a fabulous write, but she's a word-nerd and that floats my boat so much! She's also gorgeous to boot, and this is a great post. I've written before about not being a fashion blogger and why I don't do #everydaystyle, but this is a great perspective (sincerest apologies for using that word but it was the most apt!) from Emily and I dig it. Plus, any post that includes a Zoolander quote is number one in my books!


Sometimes the internet is a massive asshole by Little Paper Lane
Its one thing to have a respectful opinion, but please don't be an asshole. Its not cool man.
This post from Jayde was in response to some pretty poor-fucking-form Facebook bullshit she received on what was an innocent photo of her gorgeous cherub. She echos my sentiments from last week's Linky Lovin' Friday post but with way more f-bombs and I love it.
What not to say to a Mum of twins by Grace Titioka for Essential Baby!

The amazing Grace from With Some Grace had her first article published on Essential Baby and I just wanted to give her a giant freaking virtual fist bump. Go Grace! Pop on over and bump up those pageviews for her (and of course enjoy her fabulous writing as well) so that they will soon be asking her to write for them every week now that they have seen the light that is Grace!

Colourful Language by Mumabulous

I’ve been following it with interest because in my grumpy old age nothing  gives me more enjoyment than an orgy of “I hate that too”.

I love this post from the fabulous Mumabulous about the sayings that give us the shits. There's also a great list of sayings that she believes should really be featured more in our everyday linguistical gymnastics and you should totally go on over and add your own. FTR, my personal fave that you don't hear anywhere near enough is "I'm sweating like a whore in church!". Plus, she did a bang-up job making flames come out of Nicki Minaj's arse so it's worth a read just for the mad photoshop skills she displays!
How to turn a scarf into a Kimono by The Plumbette
What if I told you that you can also create a kimono out of a scarf?
I would tell you that you, my dear, are a genius. I don't know how, in my scarf-loving-frenzy I did not now how to turn a scarf in to a Kimono but now I do and I can't tell you how happy it makes me. Now I have yet another reason to justify buying even more large pieces of material that annoy Dave no end!

Photography for Beginners by Maxabella Loves

This is not one post so much as an awesome series that Bron has been running on her gloriously made-over blog. If you're just getting started in photography, or looking for easy to understand tips and tricks to help improve your snapping skills, then you will most definitely want to check out these posts.

That's it from me for this week. As I mentioned above I'm heading on a girls night tonight so if you follow me on Instagram (which you totally should just quietly) be prepared for a barrage of semi-drunk (but hopefully not semi-naked!) photos showing you everything from my awesome new dress to the cakes I've ordered for us from Zumbo's. It's gonna be epic, and I'm pretty sure it's gonna take me at least a week to recover from it!

What have you been reading this week? Did you know you could make a kimono from a scarf?


Kylie Purtell said…
I agree - Em is a great chick! I met her in person a few weeks ago and she is just so lovely!!! Great posts this week!
Kylie Purtell said…
I'm so proud of that Grace lady too!!!! She's so clever!!!! Lovely to see your smiling face as I try to get back into this bloggy linky thing after too long away!
Kylie Purtell said…
Hello! Have fun on your girls night x
Kylie Purtell said…
Have fun, I loved Grace's post too. I'm off to check out more links.
Kylie Purtell said…
I'm loving these posts too cos I always find some links I haven't read yet.
Kylie Purtell said…
I'm off to check out these lovely links! I hope you have a "wicked" night!
Kylie Purtell said…
Great round up of links! And such a flattering pic of Nicki Minaj - that draws me straight in to that post!!
Kylie Purtell said…
Naw, bless! Love ya, Daisy! x
Kylie Purtell said…
Thanks, lovely! Glad you enjoyed the article :) x
Kylie Purtell said…
Thanks for the shout out, lovely! Was also so great to see you the other day. Did you feel posh, or what?