5th Bloggy Birthday Bonanza!

Edited: Winners announced at the bottom of this post...

Next week this little ol' blog turns 5. Next Wednesday to be exact. FIVE! I can't believe it's been 5 whole years since I hit publish on my first post. In some ways it feels like a lifetime ago, and in other ways it feels like only yesterday.

In those 5 years I have published 1,177 posts. This one will be 1,178. That's an average of 4.5 posts a week. It hasn't really been that many posts a week though, as there have been times when I haven't posted very often.

I'll share more of my blogging journey on Thursday when I am honoured to be the first guest host for that fabulous Thursday linky The Lounge. This week's theme is Birthdays and Anniversaries so if you have a post (new or old) that fits the bill please stop by and link it up with me.

Despite the quiet periods, I've always come back to blogging. Especially since becoming a mother. Being a mostly stay-at-home-Mum can be isolating at times, and having my bloggy crew online has saved my sanity on more than one occasion.

So as a way to say thank you to you all for being so damn awesome, I have a little giveaway goin on.

Some wonderful bloggers & readers have generously opened the doors of their small businesses and offered up some lovely gifts just for you. There are 6 lovely things in all, and your method of scoring one couldn't be more simple. But we'll get to that.

First, let me introduce you to the lovely people and the gifts and they have offered for you...

Little Bento World

First up we have the powerhouse that is Yvette and Little Bento World. It has been so amazing and inspiring to watch Yvette turn her dream of bringing Bento lunches to the masses into a reality. She now runs an amazing online shop where you can get all kinds of awesome Bento, lunchbox goodies. In addition, she blogs about the Bento lunches she makes for her two gorgeous kidlets, and I can tell you, I have stolen her ideas for Punk on more than once occasion!

Yvette has very kindly offered up a $20 voucher to be used towards a purchase of goods at Little Bento World. There are all sorts of amazing things to choose from and I am pretty sure that whoever scores this voucher is gonna have a very hard time making up her mind on what they want to spend it on!

You can check out Little Bento World here, and if you love her stuff as much as I do then make sure you're a fan of her page over on Facebook so you can keep up to date with all the latest arrivals and her inspiring Bento lunches.

Little Deer Bowtique

Next we have Little Deer Bowtique. Melissa makes the most gorgeous hairclips and bows for little girls and I am not afraid to admit that I have a serious bow-buying addiction! It started when Punky was about 5 months old and hasn't let up. I have to make myself put away the credit card sometimes!

Melissa very kindly sent me two sets of the most gorgeous clips to try out with the girls, and is also offering up a set of each for you lucky people. The first set is the most adorable, matching Big Sister, Little Sister bow clips. This set can also include a 3rd Middle Sister bow if the winner of this prize is lucky enough to have three gorgeous girls of her own.

The second set is the gorgeous Mummy and Me set. Three adorable bows, for Mummy & daughter/s. This set can include up to four bows so that Mummy and all her little girls can be matching. We are going out to dinner tonight for my sister's birthday and I plan on taking these gorgeous babies for a test-drive on me, Punky & Zee. Keep an eye on my Instagram or  FB page to see them being modeled by yours truly and her cherubs.

You can find Little Deer Bowtique on FB here, and I highly suggest checking out her Made It store here.


The third goody I have to giveaway is a gorgeous iPhone case from Oysterfruit, one of my lovely, lovely sponsors for the year. Sue finds and stocks only the cutest of iPhone cases in her store, and if you're in the market for a cute and funky new cover than look no further.

The pink Matelasse iPhone case is my pick of the bunch, and the one I thought you guys would love to! Make sure you check out Sue's shop here, and you can find out about awesome new product news via her facebook page here.

Monkey Moo

This fourth prize comes from an awesome new Facebook page I found via Share the love Sunday. Monkey Moo, and the lovely lady behind it, Carly, is a collection of the most beautiful handmade items for babies and kids. Monkey Moo has everything from handmade toys, quilts, clothing, bibs, bunting and more. Her toys especially are to die for, and I seriously spent ages going through pictures of all her lovely items on Facebook when I first found her.

Carly has very kindly offered up this most gorgeous of gorgeous hoop art pieces, The Elephant.This little guy would be perfect for a little girl or boys room, and I am going to be seriously jealous of the winner of this one. So would Punky if I was game enough to let her see it!

Carly sells all her beautiful items through her Facebook page and I know she would really appreciate the love you guys can give her by visiting and becoming a fan here.

Scarf Girl

Some of you will no doubt know the awesomeness that is blogger Marleisa and her awesome little business Scarf Girl. Scarf Girl stocks the ultimate range of fashion scarves, and if you are even slightly interested in scarves then this is the prize for you!

Personally I have requested this scarf for my birthday in June, but I've had to go around Dave as he thinks I already have enough scarves (I only have one tallboy-drawer full and I feel I could accommodate at least one more drawer's worth!).

To be the first to see all the new stock arriving at Scarf Girl make sure you are following on Instagram, and to buy any of these gorgeous babies, simply head over to the Scarf Girl FB page here.

Zen Designs

And finally, blogger Lisa from Random Acts of Zen is well known to many of us in the blogging community. What you may not know though is that Lisa also designs some truly beautiful jewellery.

Lisa has kindly offered this stunning Silver Heart Wish Bracelet for one lucky reader. Spookily, this is the exact bracelet I had my eye on when I was looking through Lisa's designs on the website. It's just gorgeous and I know you'll love it too.

You can check out all of Lisa's lovely designs via her website here, follow on Facebook here, and you can also follow her beautiful blog here.

So there you have it, 6 lovely little prizes from 6 awesome ladies! And now the best part...

All you have to do to be in the running for one of these beauties is to leave me a comment on this post* telling me which prize you would most like to win and why. You have from now until 11:59pm next Tuesday 27th May to enter, and winners will be contacted via email and announced here on the blog on Wednesday 28th May, my bloggy birthday!

It's not a condition of entry, but it would be totally awesome if you could also like the Facebook page of the business whose prize you would most like to win. I am all about sharing the Facebook love and I know these lovely lovely ladies would appreciate it too.

*If you have trouble leaving a comment on this post then you can leave your comment on this post on my FB pageSadly this giveaway is open to Australia residents only. 

And the winners are:
Little Bento World voucher: Lara @ This Charming Mum
Little Deer Bowtique hair clips: Your Cheeky Monkey
Oyster Fruit phone case: Elise @ Mummy Loves Money
Monkey Moo hoop art: Belinda F
Scarf Girl scarf: Alison @ Talking Frankley
Zen Designs bracelet: Karla Oleinikoff


Kylie Purtell said…
Happy happy bloggy birthday! Five years is super impressive! What fabulous support from these businesses too. I had no idea Lisa was a jewellery designer! Off to check out her designs! If I were selecting for myself, I couldn't go past the beautiful bracelet... alas.... I'm a Mumma... with the fussiest of eaters. And so I can.not go past Yvette's bento goodies. I NEED some in my life, to you know, make it a little easier... I hope! X
Kylie Purtell said…
As much as I love that super cute iPhone case, I drop my phone a lot, so I think I'm safer with my ugly but super hard case...:( so I'll go with the beautiful bracelet from Zen Designs...Maybe I could look at it in moments of stress and calm the f%^* down ;) Happy 5th birthday!
Kylie Purtell said…
Congratulations! Impressive effort.
I would love the scarf. It's bright, fun, and Dave is WRONG. You cannot have too many scarves.
Congrats again x
Kylie Purtell said…
The Little Deer hairclips for my 2 year old daughter! They are so very cute :) And happy 5th birthday! Monique :)
Kylie Purtell said…
Happy Bloggerversary! 5 years is quite impressive. I would like the scarf. I'm all about scarves in Winter and if I had to pick a close second it would be the Bento Box gift voucher. Top prizes, thank you!
Kylie Purtell said…
Happy bloggiversary!!! Glad you have met you on our blogging journeys and here's to many more years of blogging, straight from the heart :)

Ai @ Sakura Haruka
Kylie Purtell said…
Happy bloggiversary !!!!! Here's to another 5 and another 5 and another 5 !!
Have a wonderful day !
Kylie Purtell said…
Gosh 5 years is awesome!! Congrats! #teamIBOT
Kylie Purtell said…
Congratulations! 5 years Yay!
My wedding anniversary is also today 😊
The scarf sounds awesome
Kylie Purtell said…
Congratulations on the BIG % Kylie! What an awesome achievement and something to be extremely proud of - well done! Here is to many years more xx (great giveaway! will share now)
Kylie Purtell said…
Happy blog birthday Kylie! Magnificent and inspiring work!! 5 years - wow!
I think I'd love a shot at the hoop for the nursery wall. My baby would appreciate that little work of art! :D
Kylie Purtell said…
Happy bloggy birthday for next week, Kylie! I definitely need that gorgeous scarf in my collection, would definitely brighten up a winter's day xx
Kylie Purtell said…
Happy bloggy birthday! How exciting, so many posts. And so many more to come, let's hope :)
Kylie Purtell said…
Oh the scarf for sure!!
Kylie Purtell said…
I'm all about bento at the moment with my 2 starting at daycare so Little Bento World for sure. Happy blogoversary, great achievement!
Kylie Purtell said…
Yay for 5 years! That's pretty impressive!
I would love either the scarf or the bracelet. Because they are both pretty and you can't have enough pretty things :)
Kylie Purtell said…
Well done for 5 years, that is an amazing effort. I would love the The little Bento World Voucher because I'm going to need some creative ways to get my Esther to eat her lunch at Kindy next year.
Kylie Purtell said…
Wow, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! My blog turns five this year too. Such a huge feat. I would love to win the scarf. I love scarves! They hide the wrinkles in my Deep Fried neck.
Leanne @ Deep Fried Fruit
leanne at leanne shea langdown dot com
Kylie Purtell said…
WOW that is awesome - 5 years next week - you are amazing! So I would LOVE to win the scarf because today when I went to meet a new client I got all dressed up and my kids were so impressed that I looked so spiffy and I want to continue to dress smarter!! And a scarf will be a nice start :) xx
Kylie Purtell said…
5 years! Fantastic! I'd choose the bracelet from Zen designs. I have my first job interview in 7.5 years in a few weeks (I've been a stay at home Mum) and a little bit of pretty will give me a much needed confidence boost. Eeeeeeek!
Kylie Purtell said…
Hip hip hooray!! Well done on all you have achieved. These are all fabulous but I would love that scarf too. I am going to be braving the cold weather on holidays in a ciuple of weeks and this would be perfect.
Kylie Purtell said…
I love the Zen Design braclet, it is so beautiful and I would love to give it to my daughter as a very special present. Congratulations also! I like you on facebook
Kylie Purtell said…
Congrats again on five years! An average of 4.5 posts a week is insane!! How do you do it?! I absolutely love Lisa from Zen Designs and her jewellery. I know that each piece is made with love. The heart bracelet is absolutely gorgeous. I would love to own one ... just because ... just because it's so gorgeous :) Sorry, it's late and my creativity has evaporated :)
Kylie Purtell said…
Congratulations!!! How exciting. Wow. Five years is a long time. I am celebrating one year of blogging this Friday!
I would definitely be keen on the gift voucher from Little Bento because I love the shop and the blog!!! Yvette is so creative!
Kylie Purtell said…
Congratulations on 5 years! That's so fantastic! And what lovely things you are sharing to celebrate. Well, for me it would have to be Little Bento World. I've bought products from her before and they make me feel like an instant Super Mum. Oh yes, your teeny little sandwiches CAN look just like the ones on Pinterest kids! After having another browse, my new favourite would be the Lilypond Food Picks, but they're just one of many possible favourites.
Kylie Purtell said…
Well done on 5 years, Kylie. Man time flies, doesn't it? I still remember when I first started reading "A Study in Contradictions" and it was years ago now. Thank you for a lovely birthday giveaway too. I'd absolutely love one of Lisa's originals. She's amazing. x
Kylie Purtell said…
Hello lovely lady and haps burtsdaze. If I could win a prize it would absolutely be the scarf, because scarves don't care about what size you are, they just want to wrap themselves around your neck and give you a big fat hug. And everybody needs a hug x
Kylie Purtell said…
Wow 5 years is an awesome achievement! I had no idea that Lisa designs jewellery, the bracelet that you shared is absolutely gorgeous! I would love to win it because silver is my absolute favourite jewellery and the bracelet that I normally wear constantly has recently broken so I need something new to take it's place!
Kylie Purtell said…
wow how fantastic :) congratulations... i would love to win the silver heart wish bracelet , i love hearts and i always make a wish on the first star i see tonight... habit from when i was little... lol ... thankyou for the opportunity to win a prize and wishing you many many more happy and prosperous years :)
Kylie Purtell said…
Five years and almost as many posts on average per week? How do you do it? Congrats lovely one and thanks for the #sharetheloveSundays, they have been awesome x #teamIBOT
Kylie Purtell said…
I love the Oysterfruit iPhone case! So cute! I can actually see myself in a tuddle with the toddler over who gets to use it though
Kylie Purtell said…
I'd love the Little Bento World voucher please.
As a mum of three, I am on a really tight budget and so the kids' lunches are usually healthy sandwiches (no lunch orders or fancy things like that). I find that by the end of the week, the kids are rolling their eyes when I say they are having sandwiches yet again. If I won the voucher I could buy a sandwich cutter so at least the sandwiches will look more appealing!
Kylie Purtell said…
Happy 5th bloggy birthday! I adore the silver heart wish bracelet offered by Random Acts of Zen. It would perfectly match my filigree heart necklace. Thank you for the giveaway. :)
Kylie Purtell said…
Oh happy Blogiversary! I would adore the hairbows! Yes, I know. Big surprise there!

I don't have any daughters but I would wear All of the Hairbows myself! X
Kylie Purtell said…
Ooh I would love to win the Elephant hoop art, it is so adorable! Perfect for the nursery for my first little niece or nephew due later this year as elephants are the theme!
Kylie Purtell said…
Congrats on turning 5!! well done. My favourite is the Zen bracelet.I would give it to my eldest granddaughter.
Kylie Purtell said…
The scarf from scarf girl , can never have enough scarves and hers are all lovely
Kylie Purtell said…
Happy Bloggy Birthday beautiful! It's such a tough choice, I think I'd have to say a tie between the hairbows and the zen bracelet. The bracelet is just stunning, and the hairbows would be perfect for keeping dino baby's fringe off her face. Then again, I do love a good scarf, and I'm a big fan of Little Bento World...
Kylie Purtell said…
Congrats of the Big 5!!! I did respond to this the other day on my phone but for some reason it didn't work! I have a LOT of scarves thanks to my dear friend Scarf Girl! I didn't know Lisa did the jewellery thing! That bracelet is gorgeous and I think I need to go and check out more of her stuff!
Kylie Purtell said…
I would love the scarf to keep my neck stylish and warm!
Kylie Purtell said…
Happy Birthday! 5! Woo Hoo!! Enjoy all the well deserved praise x
The scarf would be too cool for school x
Kylie Purtell said…
Oh Kylie I've posted twice - so this would make it 3! Doh! - having a real blonde moment. Computer was having a moment earlier hence second post. Feel free to delete last one but seriously well done :)
Kylie Purtell said…
I would love the Silver Heart Wish Bracelet from Zen Designs. So gorgeous, maybe it will help bring some tranquility into my life....
Kylie Purtell said…
I would love to win the Little Bento World voucher - I am always looking at her site, and trying to pick what I would purchase!
Kylie Purtell said…
Zen designs for my lovely wife please, its stunning.
Kylie Purtell said…
Scarf girl. I have one of her scarves and another one to add for winter would be lovely a:)
Kylie Purtell said…
Congratulations on 5 years,
I give to you 3 hearty cheers!
A bracelet of silver would be divine,
I would love to call that arm pretty mine!
Kylie Purtell said…
Happy 5th Birthday, i would love the Zen Designs Silver heart wish bracelet its just beautiful and i know my 15 year old daughter would love it so much, she could use a wish and some peace
Kylie Purtell said…
Happy bloggy birthday. I love all of these peeps and their products. I must say I covet that bracelet, but for my health's sake, I would opt for the scarf prize. Having just had a melanoma removed, and a lot of sun damage to my shoulders and decolletage, my doctor has suggested I start wearing scarves to cover up that skin. (Sunscreen alone doesn't seem to do the trick). So I am turning into a scarf wearer, but have no idea where to start, or what looks cool, and how to co-ordinate them with my clothes. Might need to tune into Offspring for some tips.
Kylie Purtell said…
Happy 5th Bday. I would love to win the crafty elephant hoop. With a new bubba due in 8 weeks, the babies room needs a lovely new masterpiece for decorations.
Kylie Purtell said…
5 years??!!! OMG, that's so awesome! I follow Scarf Girl on FB and love her stuff! Always so affordable too. Well done on doing an amazing job with your blog, chic x
Kylie Purtell said…
I really want the zen designs bracelet.as I deserve something just for myself!! Bugger the kids!!
Kylie Purtell said…
I would love the Little Bento World voucher, to make the kids their own healthy icy poles with the Zipzicle would be awesome!!!
Kylie Purtell said…
Happy 5th Birthday! I would love the silver heart wish bracelet. Having recently made the step into blogging it would be a gorgeous reminder of following your heart and that wishes can come true.