Sleep is for the Weak!
Up until approximately a week ago I was quite amazed by the sweet little sleeper I had somehow managed to give birth to. From day dot she has slept about 8 hours overnight, meaning that I was probably one of the most refreshed mothers of a newborn around. I kept saying to Dave, at least once a week, "When's it all gonna change, it's bound to, we can't be this lucky".
Fast forward 8 weeks and sure enough it has. I blame myself really. I stupidly dared to mention how Zee had been sleeping in her two month update last week so of course, due to the simple laws of nature (or blogging, whichever), she promptly started to sleep shittily.
It started with taking a couple of extra feeds to get her to sleep and down for the night, and has slowly progressed to the point where last night she was waking every 45 minutes. She continued to wake every 45 minutes from 7pm to 4am. BORING! It got old pretty fast.
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Funny how my cure for a sleepless night is very similar to my cure for a hangover |
I'm feeling pretty wrecked today (Monday) despite Dave being Husband of the Year and letting me have a sleep-in, even though he was tired after finishing his last 12-hour night shift for the week. That man is amazing I tell ya! I've pulled out the big guns, caffeine, vitamin B and lots of water, to help me get through the afternoon, and we are mercifully going to Dave's parent's place for dinner tonight (Monday night), meaning neither of us have to think about making dinner. Score!
I'm pretty sure it's a growth spurt, combined with a wonder week and massive brain development that is causing my little angel to keep waking up. Who wants to sleep when you're brain is making huge adjustments and you're starting to realise how cool and awesome the world around you is!
The good thing is she wakes up happy, she's not crying and sooking or anything, which makes it just that little bit easier to deal with. Punky is a crier and when she wakes, she wakes up crying, even now at almost 2. Zee just opens her eyes and starts babbling away as if to say "Hi Mum, fancy a chat, you didn't really want to go to sleep did you? Let's play a while!"
Last night however, Sunday night, I was pretty damn frustrated by it all come 1am. My phone was flat and I couldn't read anymore because I had developed a headache so I had nothing to distract me while I fed and nursed her back to sleep. I think this contributed to the problem as she definitely picked up on my frustration because she was a lot more unsettled between 1am and 3am and did actually cry a few times.
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Taking my frustration out on Instagram rather than on Zee. Yes, the f-word often features heavily when I'm feeling that other f-word, frustrated! |
But after I decided to go and have something to eat and drink and my phone was charged, the last time she woke I was a lot calmer and I had my phone, social media and blog reading to distract me from my frustration (or to take my frustration out on, as the case was!) and she settled much quicker and actually then slept till 8am. Happy day!
I'm not sure if it was simply the fact that it was 4am by that stage and she was as tired as I was, or the fact that I had managed to calm myself down and let go of the frustration, that she managed to drift off to a peaceful sleep. I think it might have been a combination of the two things. I know from experience with Punky that the more worked up I got the more worked up and unsettled she would get, so once I remembered that things got better.
After waking for a feed at 8am I didn't think Zee was gonna go back to sleep as she kept babbling and fidgeting so I just popped her back in the bassinette and was going to get Dave to come and get her when he got back from the shops with Punky. Amazingly though she babbled herself to sleep and we stayed asleep till 10:30am. Yeah baby!
Despite a shitty night though I am feeling a lot more positive now that I have gotten all of this down on paper screen. It could also have something to do with drinking a super-strength coffee and the fact that both Zee and Punky are napping at the same time, but I'm feeling good. This too shall pass, Zee won't be like this forever and one day I will look back on nights like this and wish I could re-live them all over again.
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So damn lucky they're cute! |
It's easy to have perspective at quarter past 1 in the afternoon, not so easily done at 1am. Nothing ever seems good at 1am!
So tell me people, did you/do you have good sleepers or shitty sleepers? What do you do to help relieve the stress and frustration in the early hours of the morning? And do you think by writing this post I will magically reverse my earlier mistake of writing about Zee's good sleeping and now she will sleep better again? ;)
Linking up with Essentially Jess for IBOT. Because blogging on Tuesdays is good, ya hear me!
At the time it nearly killed me !
Do whatever you need to to stay sane - nurse to sleep, take naps, eat chocolate, whatever. This WILL pass!
We are sleep training right now trying to drop the night feeds so I'm back on Twitter at 3am...
I know it's not the best solution to suggest, but I say drink as much coffee as you need honey. It's seriously the only thing that got me through. xx
I did get to a point the other night, though, where it got too much and I woke Husbeast and made him take her just for 10min so I could have a quiet little sob in the next room!!
Hopefully Zee gets over the finnicky hump and starts to give you some more sleep soon!! Sleep Deprivation is someone's idea of a horrific joke!
xo Tara @ Hand Me My Sanity
Trying to drop those night feeds is the hardest! I remember trying to wean Punky from her night feeds before I went back to work and it was tough. In the end we had to wait until my husband was on arvo shift again and could be the one to go in to her and get her back to sleep, having my boobs in close proximity just did not help! I hope it works for you and you can get some sleep again too soon.
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