Who Are You and What Have You Done with Kylez?
Something happened to me on the weekend. Something so shocking that I'm still struggling to come to terms with it.
It's never happened before. Well ok, I lie, it did happen once before, but it was while I was pregnant, so it doesn't count, it's a normal thing to happen while pregnant.
This sort of thing is not supposed to happen to me. It's not. It's not in my genes, not in my nature, not in my life's plan. But here I am, sitting at my coffee table Tuesday morning, and all I can think about is what happened. And what I'm going to do next.
You see, this weekend...I spring cleaned. And I liked it!
I can hear your gasps of horror now, believe me I don't know how this happened either. Who am I? I thought after 30 years on this planet I knew myself, and yet, here I am trying to decide what to clean next. And I'm looking forward to it.

This weekend I chose to clean over blog or shop. To be honest, I did do a little bit of shopping. But it was purely to further this cleaning affliction that has a hold of me.
It's not something that I was prepared for at this stage of my life. I have a husband, and a daughter, I keep my house clean enough to live in, clean enough that we won't all pick up some gross disease, but this, this is something else all together. It's scaring me.

I mean, what's next? Cleaning the outside off my house? Cleaning every day? I don't know if I could handle that, I'd be torn apart by the warring forces of laziness and satisfaction. Cleaning is like a cancer to laziness, and if I'm not careful it will take over my entire being, body and soul.
My husband says I shouldn't fight it. That perhaps this was my destiny all along. I'm not buying it. I'm pretty sure these cleaning days are numbered. In fact they literally are numbered.

I blame The Organised Housewife and her ridiculously enticing brand of cleaning crack. Tasks so easy, and so well planned out, that even someone with a cleaning aversion as strong as mine can be sucked in. I don't know what I am going to do once I've completed all the tasks. Like a true addict I said I was only going to do it on the weekends. And then I spent all day yesterday doing it. That's how addiction starts.

I have a problem. I've been cleaning. And I like it. It scares me. Pease tell me I'm not alone.
Linking up with the fabulous Jess at Diary of a SAHM for I Blog on Tuesdays (http://www.diaryofasahm.net/ my iPad won't let me link properly. Does anyone else know how to do it on Blogpress?)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
It's never happened before. Well ok, I lie, it did happen once before, but it was while I was pregnant, so it doesn't count, it's a normal thing to happen while pregnant.
This sort of thing is not supposed to happen to me. It's not. It's not in my genes, not in my nature, not in my life's plan. But here I am, sitting at my coffee table Tuesday morning, and all I can think about is what happened. And what I'm going to do next.
You see, this weekend...I spring cleaned. And I liked it!
I can hear your gasps of horror now, believe me I don't know how this happened either. Who am I? I thought after 30 years on this planet I knew myself, and yet, here I am trying to decide what to clean next. And I'm looking forward to it.

This weekend I chose to clean over blog or shop. To be honest, I did do a little bit of shopping. But it was purely to further this cleaning affliction that has a hold of me.
It's not something that I was prepared for at this stage of my life. I have a husband, and a daughter, I keep my house clean enough to live in, clean enough that we won't all pick up some gross disease, but this, this is something else all together. It's scaring me.

I mean, what's next? Cleaning the outside off my house? Cleaning every day? I don't know if I could handle that, I'd be torn apart by the warring forces of laziness and satisfaction. Cleaning is like a cancer to laziness, and if I'm not careful it will take over my entire being, body and soul.
My husband says I shouldn't fight it. That perhaps this was my destiny all along. I'm not buying it. I'm pretty sure these cleaning days are numbered. In fact they literally are numbered.

I blame The Organised Housewife and her ridiculously enticing brand of cleaning crack. Tasks so easy, and so well planned out, that even someone with a cleaning aversion as strong as mine can be sucked in. I don't know what I am going to do once I've completed all the tasks. Like a true addict I said I was only going to do it on the weekends. And then I spent all day yesterday doing it. That's how addiction starts.

I have a problem. I've been cleaning. And I like it. It scares me. Pease tell me I'm not alone.
Linking up with the fabulous Jess at Diary of a SAHM for I Blog on Tuesdays (http://www.diaryofasahm.net/ my iPad won't let me link properly. Does anyone else know how to do it on Blogpress?)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Best I leave things as they are for now !!!
Have a great time finishing the challenge.
I have printed out the tasks.. but yet to take it on.. my kitchen will take all week!!!
#teamIBOT was here to say hello!
I'm going to do the 20 day challenge, really I am. I'm just going to start it a little later once the hype has worn down ;)
Oh wait... ;) x
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