The Hills Are Alive {In Sydney} | Entertainment

This post brought to you by Nuffnang and The Sound of Music

The Sound of Music at the Capitol Theatre in Sydney

Do you remember the first time you saw your favourite movie? I do. I was about 7 I think, and my Dad had gone away for work. After the baby was in bed Mum got out some special snacks and my sister, Mum and I snuggled under a blanket on the lounge to watch one of Mum's favourite movies. That movie was The Sound of Music, and ever since that first viewing it has been my favourite movie as well.

So you can imagine how excited I was when Nuffnang put out the call for any bloggers interested in seeing and reviewing the new production of The Sound of Music at the Capitol Theatre in Sydney, straight from it's record-breaking run at the London Palladium. After it's run in Sydney the show will head to Brisbane, Melbourne and Adelaide, and I can tell you with good authority that audiences will not be disappointed by this critically acclaimed production.

I first saw The Sound of Music on stage years and years ago, when Lisa McCune, fresh from her stint as Maggie on Blue Heelers, was playing the role of Maria. To say my Mum, sisters and I were disappointed with her performance would be an understatement. She just didn't have the voice to pull it off.

I'm so happy to say that A and I were certainly not disappointed this time, with Amy Lehpamer, one of Australia's most promising rising stars of musical theatre, absolutely owning the role and giving it her all. Her voice was amazingly up to the task of pulling off Maria's beautiful songs, and she certainly made the role her own, erasing all previous unpleasant memories of Lisa McCune! I am her Amy's newest fan and will be keeping an eye out for her in future shows.

Amy is joined by some of Australia's screen and stage finest, with Cameron Daddo playing the role of Captain Von Trapp, Marina Prior as Baroness Schraeder and Lorraine Bayley as Frau Schmidt. Along with an amazing supporting cast, they bought the hills alive with their excellent performances.

It's hard seeing a stage version of a movie that you know so well (A and I can pretty much recite the movie word for word and song for song from start to finish) and you can't help but make comparisons and wait to see what will be the same and what's different. It's like going to see your favourite band and the lead singer performs a song differently to how you've heard and loved it on the CD. It's not the same, but you love it anyway.

That's how it was seeing The Sound of Music at the Capitol Theatre. It was the same, but different. All the songs you know and love are there, from Do Re Mi to Climb Every Mountain, The Lonely Goatherd to Sixteen Going on Seventeen, and of course the title song, The Sound of Music. I was so excited to see that my favourite song from the movie, I Have Confidence even made it in to this production, albeit a shortened version.

Rodgers and Hammerstein's memorable music is enhanced by beautiful set and costume design, and it was fantastic seeing all of the beautiful gowns in the ballroom party scenes. Marina Pryor's dress in particular during the Ball scenes was gorgeous! I want it!

All in all it was a fabulous production and I highly recommend getting yourself a ticket to see it. It's suitable for all ages, and there were lots of kids in the audience singing and clapping along, thoroughly enjoying themselves. You can see more info on the show, the performers and how to get yourself tickets by checking out The Sound of Music website here.

If you've got a musical lover in the house, or you are one yourself, tickets to The Sound of Music at the Capitol Theatre in Sydney would make the BEST Christmas present, I guarantee it!! You can even buy gift vouchers from the website if you're keen to give the gift of music to someone you love.

Do you like musicals? Do you get to the theatre much? What was the last show you saw? Are you keen to see this new production of The Sound of Music?

Disclaimer: I was given a double-pass to see The Sound of Music and given a small compensation to cover the costs of travel to review the show. As always, all opinions are my own, and you would have been seeing a review of The Sound of Music irregardless of getting tickets from Nuffnang as we will be going to see it with Mum some time in the new year! I might even write a second review, lol!

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