The other day I received a little parcel in the mail and I have been hard pressed to keep the contents to myself! It was a pack from the company AntiOx with some scrummy snack bars and chocolate inside and lets just say its tastes so good that between Dave and Punky I've been lucky to get any!
Oh yeah, them's the goods! |
When I got the email letting me know that they were sending me some goodies and included a link to their website I was excited. The first thing I did was jump over to the website and check the carbohydrate content of the chocolate.
Having gestational diabetes means that I pretty much don't get to eat anything worth eating while pregnant (think of all the sweet delights you can!) so when I saw that the chocolate was 70% cocoa and sugar-free? I think I did the world's biggest happy dance! Chocolate I could actually eat! A woohoo!!!
The chocolate comes in two different varieties, one with Goji berries (which for some reason the word Goji always makes me think of gonads. No idea why!) and some other berries called Acai. Now to be honest, until this stuff turned up I had never heard of Acai berries but let me tell ya it doesn't matter. They taste goooood!
Now aside from the chocolate there was also three different types of snack bars, Acai, Goji and Chia & Quinoa. The carbohydrate content in the snack bars is a bit high for me but I had no worries when it came to taste-testing volunteers. I'm pretty sure Dave had sniffed out the snack bars and consumed them before the package had even made it through the door! And with his little accomplice Punky, they made short work of them!
At this point Dave asked me to point out two things. Number one, he has been a fan of Quinoa for years, he wants me to let you know he was on that bandwagon before the wagon even had wheels! And he also insists on pronouncing it Quin-noah, rather than the actual way, Keen-wa.
Anyway, moving right along, Dave and Punky loved the snack bars. I asked Dave what he liked most about them and he said the fruitiness, it made them nice and chewy. I tried to get a few more quotes out of him but he just gave me a bemused smile and kept on chewing.
Punky has been enjoying a half square of the chocolate each time she has busted me standing at the pantry stuffing my face (I swear to god that kid has the nose of a bloodhound, you can't sneak any food past her!) and because of their sugar-free status I've not felt too bad letting her have some. But only a little, I'm not very good at sharing chocolate!
Now aside from the whole sugar-free chocolate thing there are apparently a shitload of other good things called antioxidants in them but to be honest, despite the fact I've heard people bandying the whole 'antioxidants' term around for years now I still don't really understand how they work, but who cares. If they can help me cut down my chances of getting crappy colds (and help Punky's poor immune system after the battering it gets every week at the germ-breeding ground, aka daycare, I am right on board! If they taste as good as this chocolate who cares right?! If you do care and would like to know more about whats in the chocolate and snack bars then feel free to check out the AntiOx website by clicking here.
Get in mah belly!!! |
The lovely people at AntiOx are giving two of you lucky buggers the chance to see for yourselves how good the goods are. To win you very own AntiOx pack, consisting of -
6 x AntiOx Snack Bars, and
4 x AntiOx Chocolates
All you need to do to be in the running is to leave me a comment telling me why you want to try the new AntiOx Snack Bars and Chocolates. Easy right!
The giveaway will close at 5pm AEST Friday 28th June, giving you 10 days to come up with your most creative answer! You can see the full terms and conditions of the giveaway by clicking here.
And if you're not lucky enough to win one of these packs, AntiOx are currently running a Winter Snack Bar giveaway on their Facebook page, which you can enter by clicking here.
Click here for giveaway terms and conditions.
Click here to see my personal disclosure and PR policy.
Click here to see my personal disclosure and PR policy.
Linking this post up with Essentially Jess for IBOT.
IBOT: It may not be totally sugar free or full of antioxidants but it sure is good for your mental health!

Becc @ Take charge Now
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