Ooops! She's Got it Again

Give me carbs baby, one more time!

So I did my 'Glucose Tolerance Test' on Tuesday. Yesterday the midwife called me. She said the cut-off result for gestational diabetes is 8. My result? 8. So they are classing me as diabetic.


It's not really that bad. I had GD with Punky and while it was a bit of a shock and I was on an emotional rollercoaster at the beginning, I was way more prepared for the possibility of it this time and I'm not feeling the guilt and like so much of a failure as I did last time.
This was Punky at 29 weeks. Look at those cheeks! Hoping to get as good a shot of PJ#2 as we'll probably get another ultrasound soon to check her size.

I know how to control it and I know I can control it. I know that the stuff they tell you is worst-case-scenario type stuff to make sure you're super vigilant and strict and that you can have a healthy, normal-size baby if you stick to the diet and do the best you can.

I'm not a failure because I have GD and it doesn't make me a bad mother, all of the things that I thought when I was first diagnosed with Punky. It's just a fact of life, I know how to deal with it and I will.

And on the plus side, I won't put on more than a couple more kilos now for the rest of the pregnancy and I'll probably get to have another ultrasound! It's always a thrill to see how nicely this chubby bubby is coming along!

So ladies and gentleman, what I'd like is for you to hit me up with your best diabetic-friendly, limited or low-carb recipes. If you have them that is!

I'll be back next week with a proper pregnancy update and a new bump shot, as I know some of you are keen to see one (not mentioning any names, Emily!). 

Happy Friday! I will be indulging in a few slices of pizza and a Maccas thickshake and fries this weekend for my last hurrah before I'm on the strict GD diet wagon on Monday!

And because it's Friday, here's a little funny that I shared on my facebook page the other day. Dave held it up to me and said rather emphatically "This is YOU!" and sadly, he's right!

Linking up with the ever gorgeous Grace for FYBF. Because I love her and its a great way to find new blogs to read!


Kylie Purtell said…
Oh dude that SUX. Low carbs? Protein and veg. Grilled vegetables, haloumi, baby spinach leaves in a salad, or a steak, or salmon in miso soup. That mountain bread wrap stuff is really low carb too, if you want wraps for lunch. Agh. You probably know all this. It's just boring. Eat lots of eggs for breaky. Grilled tomatoes and lean bacon. AND DO NOT EAT SUSHI!!! :) Looking forward to the pics x
Kylie Purtell said…
I was diagnosed two weeks ago, second time round like you, only last time there was no information available to me as the hospital didn't have a dietician! Much better this time, and she's happy with my numbers so far (although I've had some ups and downs this week with some new foods)

As for foods, increase your cauliflower and pumpkin, they seem to have helped keep my numbers low when I thought they'd be high. And try the carrot fries I shared on my blog earlier this week, yum!
Kylie Purtell said…
Bah! What a pain! I'd be guaranteed to crave all the things on the 'do not eat' list... and I don't know how strong my willpower would be! But I guess these are the things we do as Mummas to make sure we grow the healthiest little bebes we can. Enjoy the deliciousness of your last hurrah, lovely lady! X
Kylie Purtell said…
I commented on your comment on my post but thought I'd comment here too. I've got GD at the moment too. I'm at the very end but it's been a tough couple of months. Check out my recent meal plans for recipes that are good for GD - I've managed to stay completely diet controlled and have actually had really low levels mostly. Let me know if you need anything more :)
Kylie Purtell said… has a whole section for diabetic recipes.
Kylie Purtell said…
GD sucks! I never had it but I met a few mums in hospital who were having twins and had it.
You know what to do to control it and I you sound like you're in the best medical care. You'll be fine!
Eat lots of (skinless) chicken (lots of protein). And I have a great tofu dish if you're interested. If you don't like tofu, I swear this dish will get you addicted to it! Let me know if you want me to post it!
Take care of you x
Kylie Purtell said…
Aw, GD kinda sucks, but I'm so glad you've got it all emotionally under control this time. :)

I'm not super savvy with what you can and can't eat with GD. Is it the same as regular diabeties?

If so, you might want to check out Sarah wilson's blog. She has really awesome no sugar recipes which you will LOVE!
Kylie Purtell said…
You poor bugger. I had GD in my second pregnancy (but bizarrely not in the first or third pregnancies) and it's painful having to be so particular about when and how much you eat. But like you say, pretty good for controlling weight gain! I controlled mine with diet, but honestly didn't change what I was eating all that much but did change my portion sizes. Good luck - glad to hear you're in a good head space about it this time. Also, I am completely jealous of the ultrasound pic you managed to get of Punky :-)
Kylie Purtell said…
Oh dear, the things we have to do. I'm missing carbs too because I'm on sugar detox and when you cut sugar, the body turns to carbs for it's next hit of it. Yes, eggs and dips on crudites are great all day type snacks. I'm digging the sesame at the moment, lots of tehina and hommus. Avocado. Everything with lemon on top. All good, healthy, (fattening) stuff. Good luck!
Kylie Purtell said…
Well bugger bum! But like you said, this time you're way more prepared and you know how to roll with it, so it'll be a much smoother ride. Plus, if you go have a sticky at my Pinterest page, under the ' Low Calorie Nom Home ' board, there is a recipe for Naked Fajitas which is low carb and really yummy!
Kylie Purtell said…
Aw no. At least you know what to expect I guess. Love that pic! So true.
Kylie Purtell said…
Bummer Ky, but at least you've been there and done that! I hope you got to scoff lots of crap this weekend! And I will be eagerly awaiting bump shots :) xxx Em
Kylie Purtell said…
Sorry to hear this Kylie. Take care. x

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