My Week According to Instagram - 04.11.12
I participated in the #7daysofselfies challenge set by Blossom Heart Blog which is why everyone had to endure several of my mug shots!
There was lots on the blog during the week, on Monday we kicked things off with this gorgeous guest post from Bron for my Confessions of a New Mum series, on Tuesday for IBOT I invented a word, Quiptures, and some pictures to go with it, and on Thursday I started off a post with not much point and ended in a rant about this fuck-wit who sued his wife because they had an ugly baby
I finished off Fat Mum Slim's October Photo a Day challenge and got a start on November, and threw in a new challenge from Brian Daniel Baker to boot!
It's almost impossible not to take ridiculous amounts of shots of Punky, and on the blog, to celebrate her impending 1st birthday, I've been going through my archives and posting a pic a day. I also got some books for her for Christmas from Booktopia and we had a little coffee date together. Dave cemented his position as Husband of the Year last night as well by bringing me a hot chocolate!
On Friday the amazing Jess launched her new-look blog, Essentially Jess, and had a bit of a party to celebrate. The pic on the right is my annoyed face at the fact my wifi wouldn't work and so I was missing the party, and the pic on the right is Punky joining in the fun and giving Jess a round of applause!
Today we have been at the christening of Kelly from Handmade Tears and Triumphs daughter A. Took the opportunity to get a little mother/daughter shot while we waited for Dave to finish getting ready.
So, what did your week look like? If you're on Instagram you should join Tina Gray's excellent My Week According to Instagram linky party, it's lots of fun. And if you want to follow me on Instagram, my username is kyl21z. Leave yours in the comments so I can make sure I follow you too!

Love the sunset and the messy faced baby's grin and gorgeous eyes.
Jos xx
Life totally sucks when there's no WiFi.
That last photo needs to be framed!!! Gorgeous!
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