Monday Night Musing - A Quick Thank You & Request

It's only a couple of weeks before Mr.P and I head off overseas. Less than two weeks actually. It was two weeks Friday just gone. Argh! Things have sorted themselves out money-wise so I'm not stressing about that side of things anymore, now I'm just worried about saying the wrong thing in my work meetings and insulting someone. I tend to be quite sarcastic and blunt and I don't want the Americans to take me the wrong way!

But what I was wondering was, what are your fav books of all time? One of the joys of being a reader is discussing books you love with other readers, especially when you both really enjoyed the same book. So I'd love you to share with me your Top 5 Fav books of all time, and why they make the list. I'd love to turn your answers into guest posts, so if you'd like to participate and share your favs, just leave me a comment with your email address and I'll send you an email with one or two other questions about reading I'd love to get your take on.
I have a copy of three of my fav books to randomly give away to anyone that joins in the fun. The winners will be chosen at random, via a random number generator, so anyone has a chance to score one. I won't tell you what the books are just yet, you'll have to wait and see!
And if you don't have a blog but still want to share with us your favs, your welcome to join in too, there is no blog pre-requisite!
P.S. I finally managed to get a few book reviews written, they're scheduled for posting on Tuesday and Thursday morning, I've reviewed Whip Smart by Melissa Febos and 9th Judgement by James Patterson. I scheduled them for during the week so as not to innundate your dashboards or readers with heaps of posts as I have been known to do in the past!
imposterwho at
i love a good book.
I love:
Anne of Green Gables
Little Women
To Kill a Mockingbird
Pride and Prejudice
What Katy Did/What Katy did at School
They taught me about strong women, social justice and fired my love of literature.
Am happy to participate if you're still looking.
Also a vote for the Anne of Green Gables Series. I especially love the last one, Rilla of Ingleside.
Basically, any book that can make me cry, gets my vote :-)
sassyprincess888 @
And What Katy Did is one of my fav's too! Yay. Fun.
Some of my favourite books are:
The 'Tomorrow When the War Began' series, by John Marsden. I agree that they shoud be required reading for all teens! I only read them recently, but wish I'd known about them then.
Magician (and the series that follows) by Raymond E. Feist Such a lovely, sweeping fantasy saga.
Boy Overboard by Morris Gleitzman I read this to my students whenever I get the chance. Great writing!
Gridlock by Ben Elton I love anything he writes, but this one's great!
19 Minutes by Jodi Picoult Very heavy going, but a great read.
So many great books! if only I could spend all my time reading, like when I was a kid!
The Lost Continent by Bill Bryson
The Stand by Stephen King
Z for Zachariah (old school favourite) by Robert C O'Brien
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