Gifts...Glorious Gifts!

Do people think you're hard to buy for or are you constantly dropping hints?
What's on your ultimate gift list? If you were to write a list of 5 things that
would be on the list of perfect presents for your next birthday what would they
be? Would it be a particular thing or anything from a particular store/shop? An
experience or something with pretty bows? Practical or whimsical?
don't need to be physical or even attainable gifts - tell us (and those who read
your blog) what you want!!

So, the latest Blog This challenge is to list 5 (only 5?!?!) things that would make your ultimate birthday wish list.

I like to think that I'm a pretty easy person to buy for, as I love everything! I am a pack-rat, and I'm pretty sure my primary 'love-language' is gifts. I don't care what it is, everything I am given has sentimental value and I struggle to throw anything away, no matter how worthless.
Keeping that in mind, most of my gifts are gifts that I am never actually going to get, but it's from to dream!

So here is my Top 5 ultimate gifts:
5. A $10,000 gift voucher to a bookstore. Doesn't matter which one, just as long as it has books and lots of 'em!
4. A new kitchen and bathroom. Our current kitchen and bathroom are 30 years old and really showing their age. We just bought a flash new dishwasher on the weekend and it looks so good, that I don't want the rest of the kitchen bringing her down!
3. An all-expenses paid trip around the world! There aren't a lot of places in the world that I really must see before I die, but I would like to see Belgium and Alaska, and hey, if I'm being given an all-expenses paid around the world trip, I'm not gonna say no, am I!
2. A visit with my Grandma. I would love to see my Grandma again and introduce her to my husband. I'm sure she'd love him, just like me. Plus I really want to hear what she thinks of my life, now I'm an 'adult'.
1. (Imagine Dr.Evil voice and cocked pinky in corner of mouth) 100 Billion Dollars! Ok, I know he doesn't say billion, but that's what i want. If I had all that money it would be brilliant. I'd pay off all my friends and families houses (as well as my own, might even buy a few more), I'd also take all my friends and family on a fully paid for cruise, and I would get lessons and learn how to fly a cargo plane so I could fly food and clean water to all the people who need it (I still don't understand why (apart from red-tape) more billionaires don't do this!!!) and I'd make sure everything that could be done is done to cure the most insidious of evils, cancer.


KH said…
Do you really have room for that many books!?
carly said…
im with you on the books + 100 billion dollars. and instead of my nan [shes up in qld i need to go visit her soon though] id love to see my grandad.

Anonymous said…
That's a pretty inspiring list! Hope you get to say your Grandma soon :)

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