Forty {52 week project} | Photography
A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015.
If you would like to book a family or kids photography session please head to my website at for more information and keep an eye on my Facebook page for details of upcoming Christmas mini-sessions in Sydney.
{Punky} We went on a day trip out to Cockatoo Island last weekend (post to come) and to get there we took the girls on their first ferry ride. To say that Punky loved it would be an understatement! We couldn't drag her away from the side of the boat, she spent the entire trip there, watching the world and the water fly by. I can't tell you how much it made my heart sing to see her so full of joy.
{Zee} As much as she loved the ferry, Zee's favourite was the train. She spent the majority of the 5 train rides (3 there, 2 back) pasted to the window, pointing things out to me and asking questions about what she could see. I think we will need to make the effort to catch the train a little more from now on.
Find me here:
- Thirty-Nine {52 week project} | Photography
- What have you been reading lately? {Chapter Nine} | Reading Writes
- One Perfect Moment {Long Weekends} | Life
- Top 5 Things You Can Do on Maternity Leave | Motherhood
- Floriade 2015 {in pictures} | Places to See
- Thirty-Six to Thirty-Eight {52 week project} | Photography
- Too Busy Sleeping {A Review} | For the Kids
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