One Perfect Moment {Jurassic Memories} | Life
One Perfect Moment is all about those moments, big or small, that make you wish they'd last forever. Those moments you want to stop in time, when everything feels perfect, even for just a split-second. Snapshots of the mind. Moments to treasure forever.
When it's wet & rainy there are a few things that top the list of most enjoyable things to do.
Burrowing under your doona and sleeping for an extra hour.
Eating piping hot toast, washed down with a giant, steaming mug of tea.
Curling up on the lounge with your socks on, a fluffy blanket and a good book.
Enjoying a movie date with your partner. Sans kids.
That last is exactly what Dave and I did on Tuesday a week ago. We were given a Gold Lounge gift voucher for Christmas last year, and I decided that it was time to use it. It was my birthday yesterday, and Dave was on night shift, so I thought why not use it to celebrate a little early while Dave did have a day off.
So got the girls off to school and had a lazy morning, then headed to the cinemas for the 1pm showing of Jurassic World.
When I was younger I used to go to the movies all the time. At least once a week, sometimes twice a week, sometimes, even twice in one day! When I wasn't going to the movies I was watching them. My best-friend worked in a video store, and I used to spend Friday & Saturday nights hanging around the store.
At the end of her shift we'd pick out 10-15 movies to take back to her place and commence watching them over the next couple of weeks. It was fabulous! Ah to be 19 again and have no responsibility other than skipping Uni lectures and hanging out with friends.
These days, I'm lucky to get to the movies once a year! My sisters love going to the movies, but with two small children and a husband who works rotating day/night shifts, it's a little hard to get myself there most times. Unless it's to see the next movie in a series we love, like The Hunger Games (can't wait for the last movie later this year!).
So when Mum asked me what we wanted for Christmas I knew I wanted a gift card for the movies so we could actually go. The plan had actually been to see the last Hobbit movie in 3D in Gold Lounge, but it was only in there for a week, and we missed our chance. We could have seen it in 2D, or 3D in the normal cinema, but life got in the way and we missed our chance.
So we've been sitting on this gift card, waiting for the right movie to come along. And come along it did, in the form of a giant, genetically-engineered dinosaur!
Dave and I both LOVED Jurassic Park when it first came out in 1992. We were both the perfect age for it to be the absolute best movie we had ever seen, up until that time. I can still remember vividly, seeing it at the cinemas, the awe at seeing the dinosaurs on the big screen for the first, the fear and tension as the dinosaurs got lose, pretending to be brave and not scared in front of my little sister and our friend. Dad wondering if maybe it wasn't a great idea to take the younger two after all!
23 years later I still love that movie. And so, we just had to go and see Jurassic World on the big screen.
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Chris Pratt certainly didn't hinder the viewing experience either! |
To say there were a few plot holes, and that's it's a cheesy movie would probably be the biggest understatement of the year. But I did not care one bit. The entire movie is like one big homage to the original, and every few minutes the characters would do something, see something, say something that was a direct copy or tribute to that first movie and it was like being a kid again.
I didn't care about the cheesiness, the plot holes, the ridiculous shoes, the sexism or anything else that the movie has been criticised for. In that moment, in that cinema, I was a 10 year old kid again, enjoying a movie for the pure entertainment it was meant to be.
More than anything, I loved the way it reminded me of how I felt when I saw the first movie in the cinemas all those years ago.
Afterwards, we talked the entire drive home about the movie, the tributes paid to the first film in almost every scene. We laughed at the plot holes and the cheesy dialogue. Reminisced about what it was like when we saw the first film when we were kids and how it made us feel then.
It was a few hours of perfect moments, one after the other. We've vowed to do it again soon, when the next Terminator movie comes out.
DO you like going to the movies? What was the last thing you saw at the cinemas? Were you a fan of Jurassic Park when it first came out in 92?
Linking up with One Mother Hen & The Multitasking Mummy.
Find me here:
- Twenty-Five {52 week project} | Photography
- One Perfect Moment {Double Exposure} | Life
- Twenty-Three & Twenty-Four {52 week project} | Photography
- One Perfect Moment {In Living Colour} | Life
- Top 5 Tips for Buying Good Baby Shower Gifts {Plus Giveaway!} | Motherhood
- One Perfect Moment {Looking for the Light} | Life
- Twenty-One & Twenty-Two {52 week project} | Photography
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