Taking Stock {March 2015} | Life

With all of the stuff going on in the last week or two and my Tafe course nearing it's end, I thought it was time to once again take stock...

Making : Plans for some de-cluttering and rearranging we're going to be doing around the house in the next couple of weeks.

Cooking : Pancakes for dinner. Dave is on night shift and I'll be at Tafe all day, so it's really the easiest thing. Plus I can make a double-batch for the girls to have as snacks over the next couple of days

Drinking : Copious amounts of coffee. As always.

Reading : The 6th book in the Harry Potter series, The Half-Blood Prince.

Wanting : To spend a week by myself (ok, Dave can come too, I spose).

Looking : At the state of this house and how we are actually going to manage this decluttering and rearranging!

Playing: Stupid phone games. They're addictive.

Deciding : Whether or not I should stay blonde when I next get a haircut.

Wishing : I could start the Diploma at Tafe straight away rather than having to wait until next year.

Enjoying : The cooler autumn weather, especially in the afternoons & evenings.

Waiting : For our mini-trip down to my sister's place at Easter.

Liking : The fact that Punky seems to be settling in to preschool a bit better.

Wondering : If we will get much back at tax time this year, we could really do with an injection of cash after the last couple of days with car regos, etc.

Loving : My new flash unit and playing around with it. I'm still firmly an available light lover and photographer but I am loving the possibilities that a good flash unit holds.

Pondering : The NSW state election and who the hell I'm going to vote for.

Considering : What we need to get rid of and what we need to hang on to.

Watching : The final few episodes of The Walking Dead season 5 and wishing there were more episodes to go.

Hoping : That Punky makes a friend in the new girl at preschool. The signs look promising.

Marvelling : At how much I've learnt and how much my photography has improved in the 7 short weeks since I started Tafe.

Needing : Honestly everything on my list is a want, not a need. It would still be nice to have what I want though!

Smelling : My old friend Joop, and thinking I need to request some more of my other perfume, Truth by Calvin Klein, for my birthday. It's almost all gone!

Wearing : My usual mummy outfit, jeans and a singlet. I'm such a fashionista!

Following : The football again, because I joined a tipping comp for the first time in 3 years.

Noticing : The light. Ever since starting Tafe and learning about studio lighting, fill flash, etc I find myself analysing the lighting in photographs and TV shows so closely.

Knowing : That choosing to study photography and pursue it as a career is absolutely, 100% the best decision I've ever made.

Thinking : I really need to get my hair done.

Admiring : This lovely ladies photos. I'm in love.

Sorting : Baby clothes and deciding on a couple of things to keep for the girl's glory boxes and what to pass on to my sister and others.

Buying : A new car in a few months time. I can't wait!

Getting : Pissed off at the makers of feminie hygiene products!

Bookmarking : This post by JJ.

Disliking : The fact that I'm not going to have the money for a ProBlogger ticket again this year. Gutted!

Opening : Lovely little packages from lovely bloggers.

Giggling : At Zee, she is just the funniest, cheekiest little monkey!

Feeling : Sad that my babies are growing up and knowing that I probably won't have any more.

Snacking : On some Carmen's dark chocolate espresso muesli bars. So good!

Coveting : The new Macbook Pro. I'm going to need to invest in a laptop for when I do the Diploma course next year and it's at the top of my list!

Wishing : We didn't have to say goodbye.

Helping : Dave beat his addiction to Clash of Clans. It's not working.

Hearing : The sound of my girls laughing and playing together. It's not all sunshine and lollipops between them, but they are definitely playing together more and more as Zee gets older and it makes my heart happy.

So that's what's been happening around these parts lately. How about you? Let me know what's been going on with you.

This list inspired by and created by Pip from Meet me at Mikes.
Linking up with Essentially Jess for IBOT.

Find me here:


Tash from Gift Grapevine said…
I love seeing my tornadoes finally starting to play together. It's such as nice change from wrestling and listening to the games they play like "teachers" is hilarious. I had a good giggle at your old friend Joop - that was my very first perfume. Might have to find a tester next time I'm at the shops for a trip down memory lane :) You sound as busy as ever! That's a lot to take stock of but I love that so many of your points are positive ones. xx
Jodi Gibson said…
I love your 'knowing' Kylie x
HandbagMafia said…
The ponder is an interesting one! I think you can guess who I won't be voting for!
Yay for de cluttering, and pancakes for dinner!
I love these taking stock posts.
Dani @ sand has no home
Angela East said…
A whole week alone. Yeah, gimme some of that. I'm bloody exhausted.
Nooooo I want you to come to ProBlogger!!!! I love these, can nosy at what you're up to. How exciting a new car on the horizon x
EssentiallyJess said…
I'm so excited at how much fun you are having learning! Probably because I'm also having the same amount of fun as well. When it's what you love, it just makes you happy :)
Malinda said…
As busy as you are I am so glad that you are 100% happy with your decision to pursue photography and your studies for it. #IBOT
I can't believe TAFE is almost finished. It feels like you've only just started. That's lovely that Punky is settling in better and that a new little friend might be around the corner. Bless. I want a holiday away for a week by myself too. I even started planning what I would do on it today. Sigh.
Natalie @ Our Parallel Connect said…
When you break your life down to the way you have in this post, you really do see the little things that make your life happier.
Isabel said…
Hi Kylie! Have just swung by your blog (it looks so great...will be visiting more often to get some design tips), and love your Taking Stock for March. With the feminine hygiene product issue (how annoying I agree), I have recently discovered this great thing called Tsuno pads (tsuno.com.au - and I have no connection with these guys at all, commercial or otherwise). They are sustainable pads and tampons (made of bamboo fibre), come in all sizes, have funky packaging, and Tsuno gives 50% of profits to the International Women's Development Agency. I ordered 12 months supply and brought them with me to China! I hope you get to spend a week on your own some time soon :) Isabel
Elisha Ross said…
Problogger; me neither..Boohoo!! A new car, awesome. We just got a kia carnival aka The Venga Bus and I love it. Im already tossing out the baby seats and planning winery tours with friends driven by my hubby. It seats 8 people OMG!! I cannot wait for the footy to start. Friday night footy on TV is the best. AFL here down south of course…You are so funny. I think we would get along at Problogger one day just bloody fine…x One day!!
TeganMC said…
I had resigned myself to no Problogger this year but I have to say that it hasn't stopped the green-eyed monster rearing it's ugly head.

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