2014 has been an interesting year. It's been filled with amazing highs and incredible lows and I still don't think I've fully processed some of the things that have taken place. When 2014 started I had a 5 month old baby and a toddler, barely 2 years old. Now, as 2014 comes to a close I have a 17 month old toddler and a toilet trained, 3 year old preschooler.
word for the year was determination. It's kind of ironic how the word I've chosen for the last 2 years has actually become my biggest challenge for the year. In
2013 it was patience, and I did not have a lot of it. It was sorely, sorely tested. This year, my determination has been sorely tested and I've really struggled in these last few months to have determination to do anything. I've felt a little stuck.
January |
I feel as though I have failed in many things, the things that I was so determined to succeed at, the biggest one being my weight. I'm so angry at myself for letting it get out of control again. For losing the determination and mindset that I worked so hard for in the first part of the year. It's been really easy to beat myself up about it and that only makes things worse.
For me, weight and weightloss is 100% a mental thing, and I have to work really hard to keep the mindset that I need to achieve weightloss goals.
After Mum's accident and then being diagnosed with plantar fasciitis and not being able to run, I felt myself losing that hard-won mindset and slipping back in to old ways.
February |
I find I often get to a certain point in the year where I start to think there is no point in starting anything new until the following year. And I've been in that mindset for a few weeks now. To be honest I'm pretty over 2014 and so ready to start fresh in 2015.
March |
I made some big decisions this year, and came to a few realisations as well. Not the least of which was finally deciding what I want to do with my life. I want to be a photographer. So I
made the leap, I put myself out there and I gained some invaluable experience thanks to a couple of amazing blogging friends,
Emma and
Vanessa, who put their faith in me.
I've enrolled to go to Tafe next year and study what used to be the Certificate IV in Photo Imaging. It's a 9 week course and will gain me entry in to the Diploma of Photo Imaging if I do well. And I plan to. Undertaking the Diploma is the plan for 2016, but right now, I'm just excited about taking my photography to the next level and learning some amazing things.
April |
Mum is doing really well. Despite her accident at the end of May she has shown an incredible determination to heal and get better. She can now walk, and even drive small distances, something which is surprising all of her doctors and caregivers with how fast she has progressed. Mum really has been the absolute definition of determination this year, and so perhaps it was a fitting word after all!
May |
Punky and Zee have filled my heart with great joy and sent me out of my mind with frustration. They are so beautiful, and I still look at them some days and wonder how it is that Dave and I got so damn lucky. Watching their relationship as sisters grow has been a real privilege and I know there is plenty of love and fights in my future as their Mother!
June |
Punky has changed from a cheeky little toddler into a mischievous little girl, right before my very eyes. There is well and truly
no trace of baby left on her face or body and that makes me a little bit sad, I will admit. She has a wicked sense of humour and an even more wicked sense of trouble! She keeps me on my toes and brings me to tears of laughter and frustration, sometimes at the same time!
July |
Zee has gone from a baby to a toddler, complete with walking, talking and tantrums. Her vocabulary at almost 17 months old is really quite amazing to me, and she talks way more than Punky did at that age. She's incredibly smart and a real joker. She knows how to make people laugh and exactly how to press her sister's buttons!
August |
Dave has been a tremendous support to me throughout the years. If it wasn't for his strength I don't think I would have managed to get through those early days after Mum's accident. He allowed me to be able to spend hour upon hour at the hospital, sitting with Mum in the Intensive Care Unit, waiting for her to get back from her surgeries.
I've had more child-free nights this year than in the 2 years previous because he's not just a weekend Dad but a hands-on, full-time Dad who takes the care and raising of his daughters so seriously. I was able to
go away for 5 nights to the other side of the country, safe in the knowledge that the girls were in the best possible hands. There are many women who can't feel like that with the father's of their children, but I am definitely one of the lucky ones.
September |
I'm looking forward to 2015 and all the promises it holds. I'm praying hard that good things come to my loved ones and closest friends and I'm determined that I am going to push myself to finally achieve some of the goals I set at the beginning of this year.
October |
Blog-wise 2014 has been a good year for me. I've grown my community and met even more amazing ladies who share this love of spewing out thoughts to the world. I've really enjoyed getting to know all of you through your blogs and on
Facebook, and I can't thank you enough for caring and taking an interest in me and my life.
The support and love of this amazing community we call the blogosphere has lifted me up in the dark days. You've given me laughter. You've made me think. I can't thank you enough for jumping on this crazy ride with me.
November |
This will be my last post for 2014. I plan on taking a couple of weeks off from blogging over the festive season but I'll still be around on social media, don't worry about that! I'll be back on board the week starting January 12th and I have big things planned for this here blog in 2015. The first
Linky Lovin' Friday will be on Friday 16th January, so make sure you tweet or FB me any links in the New Year that you've seen around the place think I should check out.
Reading Writes will also be back from February 3rd next year, so make sure you write down all those books you get to read over the holidays (yes, I can hear some of you laughing at the idea of having any time to sit read more than a cereal box!).
December |
I hope you all have a fabulous Christmas and a very Happy New Year. Be kind to yourself and your kids.
Love you longtime!
Do you have plans to take a break over Christmas? How was 2014 for you? Got anything big planned for 2015?
P.S. I am about 1 person away from reaching my goal of doubling my FB fans this year and I would be beyond grateful if you could send anyone my way who you may think will get a little kick out of my musings on FB. Consider it a little Christmas pressie for yours truly. Your cheque will be in the mail ;-)
Merry Christmas!
Leanne @ Deep Fried Fruit
I tend to think our expectations of ourselves (and others) are now spectacularly high, so we can't help but feel like we've failed when we compare our lives to those of others. (Of course others often only show the good bits, so they're misleading anyway!)
Have a safe and happy Christmas.
No doubt 2015 will be a big one for you, hun. Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family xx
Good luck with your photography course. Your photos look brilliant already, can't wait to see how they evolve!
PS Love the photo of your daughter in March. She looks like she is flying!
Congrats on enrolling in the Cert IV, you certainly have some gorgeous little people you'll be able to use as models! Those eyes!!!!
Enjoy your break and look forward to seeing what 2015 has in store for you!
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