96-102/365 - Punky

6th April 2014 - This is a twice daily occurence, hanging out in Zee's cot when she wakes up from her nap. You love to climb in and insist on helping unzip her from her sleeping bag. There are tantrums if you don't get to pull her legs out!

7th April 2014 -  - You are always moving. Always.

8th April 2014 - Once again in Zee's cot after her nap. You love to give her cuddles, although sometimes you squeeze a little too tight. Zee doesn't seem to mind though. Most of the time!

9th April 2014 - You love to have your nails painted just like Mummy, and you're very good at standing still and then blowing on them until they dry.

10th April 2014 - You got a little bored waiting in the coffee shop while Daddy got his hair cut. I got you a babycino but it seems you're not a fan!

11th April 2014 - "Unky Dan" is such a good Uncle to you, he spends lots of time playing with you whenever we go to visit. If we can't find you then it's guaranteed that you'll be with D somewhere!

12th April 2014 - This morning Daddy took Zee with him to do the grocery shopping so you and I got to have breakfast together, like we used to do when you were younger, before Zee was born. You were telling me a very interesting story. Sine you've learnt to talk you are a little chatter-box!

If you've missed any of Punky's 365 project you can find them all here.


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