Wanker Words can Bite Me!
Sometimes words are wanky, don't you agree?
Buzz words, phrases, some of them just really get under my skin and rub me the wrong way.
Yes. Pun intended.
I watch a lot of cooking shows, and cooking shows are filled with them. There are so many that are just so frickin annoying!
Like "good, honest food".
I'm sorry, what?! Food lies? Since when has food been lying? And if it hasn't been lying, then how is it honest? Despite the amount of times I hear it, I am yet to figure out what "honest food" bloody well is! It just looks like food to me.
"Perfection on a plate". Always said in reference to something I would never, ever eat!
"Comfort food". My definition of comfort food does not include something with a million ingredients that takes 3 hours to cook. Slaving over a stove is not comforting to me! I'd much rather be comforted by my husband. At least he could give me a hug without covering me in sauce. Most of the time.
"It's us, on a plate". Um, no. It's not you on a plate. It's bloody food on a plate. It would have to be a jolly big plate to fit the likes of you on it! And then we'd be getting in to dangerous cannibal territory and I really don't wanna go there!
But for me, the worst one of all?
It has to be "clean eating". Or "clean food".
Piss off mate. The only time I've ever eaten dirty food was when I was a toddler and picked up bits of crap off the floor and shoved them in my gob. Or maybe when drunk and I've dropped a bit of my delicious, late-night kebab!
"Eating clean". It's such a wanker term don't you think? I'd rather eat good, healthy food, than a bloody adjective.
Do any of the above annoy you too? Got any more wanker words to add to the list?
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Yes. Pun intended.
I watch a lot of cooking shows, and cooking shows are filled with them. There are so many that are just so frickin annoying!
Like "good, honest food".
I'm sorry, what?! Food lies? Since when has food been lying? And if it hasn't been lying, then how is it honest? Despite the amount of times I hear it, I am yet to figure out what "honest food" bloody well is! It just looks like food to me.
"Perfection on a plate". Always said in reference to something I would never, ever eat!
"Comfort food". My definition of comfort food does not include something with a million ingredients that takes 3 hours to cook. Slaving over a stove is not comforting to me! I'd much rather be comforted by my husband. At least he could give me a hug without covering me in sauce. Most of the time.
"It's us, on a plate". Um, no. It's not you on a plate. It's bloody food on a plate. It would have to be a jolly big plate to fit the likes of you on it! And then we'd be getting in to dangerous cannibal territory and I really don't wanna go there!
But for me, the worst one of all?
It has to be "clean eating". Or "clean food".
Piss off mate. The only time I've ever eaten dirty food was when I was a toddler and picked up bits of crap off the floor and shoved them in my gob. Or maybe when drunk and I've dropped a bit of my delicious, late-night kebab!
"Eating clean". It's such a wanker term don't you think? I'd rather eat good, healthy food, than a bloody adjective.
Do any of the above annoy you too? Got any more wanker words to add to the list?
And while I've got your attention, why don't you subscribe by email too? All the cool kids are doing it!
Ai @ Sakura Haruka
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