12-18/365 - Punky

12th January 2014 - You love your swing set that you and Zee got for Christmas. At first it was all about the swings, as they are your favourite, but you love climbing up and going down the slide just as much now. You've gotten really good at climbing the ladder carefully and paying attention to where you put your feet

13th January 2014 - Nana got you these paint-with-water books and you love them. I love them too because it's got all the fun of painting with half the mess!

14th January 2014 - Your Great-Nana got you this tea set for your birthday (coincidentally you also share your birthday with her!) and you love it. The day you got it you sat at the bench for ages, making all of your party guests cups of tea and sharing your petite fours with them. Nothing has changed and you love to make me a cup of tea every day. I look forward to the day when you can make me one for real!

15th January 2014 - Your favourite song at the moment is Single Ladies by Beyonce and you make me play it over and over so you can dance. You also make me dance and we have our own little dance-off in the lounge room

16th January 2014 - Today we went up the road to pick up some stuff from the post office and the shops. It was a hot day and a big walk but you were so well behaved and everybody commented on what a good girl you were. As a special treat we stopped to get a vanilla milkshake, which is your favourite and we shared it at one of my favourite cafes, The Right Bite. This is your milkshake concentration face, when you are trying to suck up as much as you can in one go!

17th January 2014 - Your all-time favourite toys, since you were a little baby are Blankey Bear, who you are holding, and Violet, on the left. On the right, and looking a lot cleaner, is Scout, Zee's Christmas present. You have been taking good care of Scout until Zee is big enough to look after him by herrself, and the four of you are best friends.

18th January 2014 - Today we went in to the city for the Bloggers BBQ and you had an excellent time. You spent ages playing in the ball pit and you even sat still long enough to have your face painted. The lady doing the painting copied your dress and made you look like Hootabelle. You spent the rest of the day trying to look at yourself in any reflective surface and exclaiming over the painting. You loved it!

You can view all of the photos in Punky's 365 project by clicking here.


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