This week's Lounge Theme, as set by those lovely lounge lizards was your Top 5 fave books, movies or songs. After a quick conversation with said lizards I realised that for me it would be an easier job to write my Top 5 Books/Movies/Songs that I love to hate.
We all have em. Those things that we almost enjoy hating on. For instance, I like to hate the animated TV show Archer. Not just because I find it to be crap, but because my husband and family-in-law love it so much that it annoys them that I hate it. So I continue to hate it.
I can't really put the following in to an order so I am just going to list them.
50 Shades of Grey - never read the books, never will. I've wasted enough time on one shittily written trilogy in my life that I won't be wasting more on another. I hate these books despite the fact that I haven't read them and I will continue to hate them long after they are no longer 'popular'.
I feel sorry for that poor horse, having to look like her
{Image Credit} |
Ke$ha - okay, while she is technically not a book, movie or an actual song, she is a singer who has released songs and I CAN. NOT. STAND. HER. OR. HER. MUSIC. She takes trashbag to a whole new level. Such is my distaste for all of Ke$sha's music that I have already
written an entire post previously dedicated to my loathing of her. You should go and read it, its a good rant! When her music comes on I would break my own neck to not have to listen to it. At my cousin's hens night last year I stopped dead in the middle of a dancefloor as soon as I heard a Ke$ha song being mixed in and I did not move again until it was over. If it wasn't so packed I would have walked off the dancefloor in protest and disgust. And who the fuck uses a dollar sign in their name anyway?! Dickhead!
The Great Escape - I'm not sure if I've ranted about this movie on the blog before so in case I haven't, I'll do it now. What a fucking waste of time that movie was. The title is a LIE! A LIE!!! ***Spoiler Alert*** There is barely an escape and it is by no means fucking great, let me tell you. And not only that, but most of them DIE! I remember being so pissed off at the end of this movie and looking at my Dad and asking him why the hell he had made me watch it, it was such a let down!
I swear if I ever see these dickheads driving down the road singing that freaking song Imma gonna run them down! |
Every freaking song the Coles ads have ruined - I swear, if I hear about Coles "Little, Red Quote" one more bloody time I will rip my ears off and feed them to the birds to escape the torture. Coles have done such a tremendous job of ruining what used to be kinda ok songs. Now, if they come on the radio, I'm lucky I don't drive off the road or cause an accident trying to change the station before I am subjected to more than 10 seconds of them. Why Coles, WHY?!?!? And to the original artists of the songs. Shame on YOU!
Twilight - Yep, that's right. The shittily written trilogy I was referring to above when I talked about 50 Shades of Grey. But if only Twilight was a freaking trilogy, it might have been that much easier to get through. As it was I speed-read most of books 2 and 3, and basically skimmed the whole Jacob section in book 4. While I can see the good idea and intentions behind the story, it is just not good enough to overlook the obviously creepy themes and shoddy writing.
This is yet another thing that I have
already ranted about on this here blog and if you want to see my original whinge (which again I
highly recommend!) you can find it here. I won't lie to you, I didn't mind the movies, mostly because there was some eye candy and they didn't take longer than a couple of hours to get through. And the creepiness factor is a lot easier to overlook in the films than it is in the books. Let's face it, Edward is a bit of a peado and the whole imprinting, Jacob and Renesmee thing is just plain wrong! And don't even get me started on how someone who doesn't have a freaking heartbeat has actual bodily fluids, not to mention viable sperm!
So there you have it ladies and gent, my Top 5 Books/Movies/Songs that I LOVE to hate! Now it's your turn to fess up and tell me, what books, movies or songs do you love to hate?
ps yay for me being able to finallycomment on your blog as it wouldn't let me yesterday with those gorgeous pics of your lil miss!!
I cannot believe that you have lumped The Great Escape in with the rest of this dross. Arghhh! Come closer so I can strangle you.
It is one of my favourite films ever. The fact that the staginess of it (The 60s style, I guess) doesn't diminish in any measure at all the impact, the sense of reality of what happened, sticks with me all these years after I watched it. The fight scene as two escapees steal a plane - it may not have had a realistic sense about it, but I could imagine so clearly the fight to the death that you would put up in order to get that plane. It would quite literally be to the death.
And that moment when they were trucking the prisoners back camp, and they pulled into the field and it dawned on me what was about to happen.
And put all this together with the fact that when the film was released there would have been people everywhere who had lived this war, and been through some of these experiences. It was devastating and brilliant.
Now I WILL continue to visit your blog if you promise this was just a one time slip up on your part!
Totally with you on 50,potter and don't get all the fuss.
So glad you can comment!
Thanks for linking up with us at The Lounge!
Others on my list are: The Kardashians, any Real Housewives or Jersey Shore show. Also never seen them yet HATE them.
I also hate leopard print which may explain the above somewhat.
And Cricket.
I actually can't read chick lit at all. Just can't to it. I'm not a literary snob but my brain just can't read page after page of soppy bullshit. The other kind of writing I hate is when the author uses page after page of filler paras with descriptions. Think Kate Morton's The secret garden, or whatever the fuck it was called. I bought the audio book for the long drives back and forth from the Blue Mountains but I just wanted to hit fast forward the whole way thru. Just get on with the message you silly bitch!
I seriously should start writing more rant posts. I always feel so great after reading your rants because we are on the same wavelength with so much!
Thanks for the night giggle X
Can't agree on the cricket though I'm sorry, I don't mind myself a bit of cricket every now and then.
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