Blogovations, I've done a few

I spent this last weekend doing some blog maintenance. Some 'blogovations' if you will. Some of it I've been wanting to do for a while, some of it has come about after mulling over stuff I learnt at DPCon13.

First up, you may or may not have noticed that I changed my header slightly. I also created my own customised menu bar coz I was annoyed at not being able to centre the built-in blogger one. And I created a little 'About Me' picture and category buttons over in the sidebar.
The new 'About Me' picture
I'm hoping that the 'About Me' picture helps to sum up my blog and let people know what I'm about quickly and easily. Does it?

I'm hoping that the new category buttons make it a little easier for people to be able to find and read about the things they like to hear my bang on about, and ignore the stuff they don't. Do you think they are too big, too small, or just right? And do you get that 'Stellar Contradictions' is referring to my best posts?

I also created a new Welcome! Start Here page, which you can access from the menu bar under the header. It's just a quick one-pager about me and the blog and the things I blog about, kind of an expansion of the 'About Me' picture in the sidebar.

I've tidied up the sidebar, made it a little neater and more condensed and hopefully a little friendlier on the eye.

I've done a lot of googling to figure out how to do some of this stuff, like creating the custom menu bar and also how to bulk change the labels used for my posts (on a blogger blog). I kinda wish I googled that a bit earlier though, would have saved me manually going in to quite a few posts to change their labels! If you have a blogger blog and you're wondering how it's done, then click here. You're welcome!
Ok, so it's not really extreme but this was the best image I could find ok!
{Image Source}
The final thing I did over the weekend was create a reader survey. A super fast survey designed to find out what type of weirdos people are actually reading my blog and what they do and don't like reading about when they visit. I've had a few people answer so far and the responses have been interesting to say the least! Apparently people really, really like it when I rant about stuff! It's totally anonymous and doesn't take long and I would absolutely love you long time if you could bring yourself to do it for me. Well, not that I'll know which of you has taken the survey, being anonymous and all, but you'll know when you do it that I love you for it and that should give you a warm glow in your special place! You know the one I mean! You can take the survey by clicking the link below...

Click here to take survey

A big thank you to those who have already taken the time to do my survey. And if you don't take the time, well, don't expect to get that tingly feeling in your groin area you hear! And if you do get that tingly feeling its probably because you've got some gross disease and you should really get that looked at!

So tell me, did you even notice that I'd made some changes to the blog, some blogovations? Or are you a bit like me and tend to not notice that kind of thing? Is there anything you've just been busting to tell me about the blog, anything that really bugs you or that you think is totally fabulous? Please let me know in the comments, I would love to hear any and all (constructive) feedback (and for those whose pesky browsers don't let them comment via Disqus, feel free to let me know your thoughts on my Facebook page here).


Linking this post up with the just-as-awesome-as-me creator of the world's best Tuesday linky (IBOT, duh!), Essentially Jess!


Kylie Purtell said…
Love the new stream-lined look Kylie xx
I love having categories and bits and pieces to help readers find things easier - looks great
Will come back when the coffee has kicked in to take the survey xx
Kylie Purtell said…
'Rant on, Ranty McRanterson ' may just be the best button EVER!
Kylie Purtell said…
Aren't you a clever cookie, making your own side bars and such!? It looks great Kylez! It feels good to do a haul over and re-do about me's and such. Let's face it, we are constantly changing, so our blogs need to too, to an extent. x Aroha
Kylie Purtell said…
Love the changes you made. The photo box has been on my to do list for ohhhh 15 months (intimidates me to figure it out). I would also love to create category boxes like yours. Looks fab! I like the general mix of your writing, keep it up
Kylie Purtell said…
Looks good! I like the big buttons on the side! x
Kylie Purtell said…
Lookin'good! Love seeing what people do with their blog.
Kylie Purtell said…
Nice one - I'm liking your new bloggy clothes! And yep - i too love it when you pull on your ranty pants! They're my favourite ones of all. x
Kylie Purtell said…
You clever thing Kylie!! Looks so good!
Kylie Purtell said…
Now then I can't see the header, I'm reading on a Mac using Chrome, will try on safari. It's really satisfying to learn new stuff, isn't it... and greater still when things actually work... which they don't always for me!
Kylie Purtell said…
I love it! I have bookmarked that page so I can find it when I need it! Love the buttons, well done.
Kylie Purtell said…
Congrats on your blog makeover :) I love how you coordinated your colours. One suggestion to maybe make your "About Me" photo clickable and link to your "Welcome" page if that's possible :) Just another easy access to anyone that wants to know more about you.

Ai @ Sakura Haruka
Kylie Purtell said…
I did notice the header, I love the bigger photos. The new side bar options do make it much easier to search. And I'm all about simplicity and I LOVE it. Now I have to learn how to do it for my own blog :) xx
Kylie Purtell said…
Looks great Kylez. Neat and streamlined. Off to take the survey now. I quit like tingly feelings in my groin ;)
Kylie Purtell said…
Survey Doneski! And the blog looks great X
Kylie Purtell said…
I love your new look! I've been starting to think about self-hosting to have a bit more freedom with the design, but it all seems a bit scary to me...

Well done!
Kylie Purtell said…
Oh and I've replaced your old button with your new one on my buttons page :-)
Kylie Purtell said…
Loving the new look Kylez :) Very neat and uncluttered! you have inspired me to spend a but more time on mine this weekend! Off to do your survey now x
Kylie Purtell said…
Looks good but hating the fact it highlights I need to do some serious housecleaning of my own!
Kylie Purtell said…
Looks awesome Kylez! Good work. I've been wanting to do some work on my blog for ages. A custom nav bar and categories are defo on the list. Love the colours. Very bright and cheerful.
Kylie Purtell said…
Looks great you clever thing. I want to change some of my labels as well. So much time I imagine though, so many posts to trail through as well. Well done with it all clever clogs
Kylie Purtell said…
Well done doing it yourself. Seems to be the time for a bit of blogavations and swapping hosts and things happening at the moment.
Kylie Purtell said…
Oh yes that is a fabulous idea, thanks! Off to do that now!
Kylie Purtell said…
Thanks Josefa! I definitely think the categories is a good idea, especially for new readers.
Kylie Purtell said…
Hahaha, thanks! I've been thinking of changing the 'Books & Reading' one too 'Get Your Bookworm On'
Kylie Purtell said…
It does feel good, almost a bit like spring cleaning!
Kylie Purtell said…
I used PicMonkey to make mine. If I can't find the link to the page I used I'll do a blog post on it for you. Stay tuned.
Kylie Purtell said…
Thanks Janet, I must admit I spent a lot of time browsing my favourite blogs to see what everyone else was doing
Kylie Purtell said…
Thanks Kim, the ranty pants are definitely a popular look around here! Must find my next rant target stat!
Kylie Purtell said…
I must admit I have learnt a great deal doing all of this, its made me keen to learn more. Thinking I might have to do some blog posts on it all for other people to benefit as well, can't keep the knowledge to myself!
Kylie Purtell said…
Thanks Emily. I'm thinking I may just do a series of blog posts on how I did some of it and include the links to where I got the info. No point keeping it all to myself!
Kylie Purtell said…
Thanks Jess, I hope the feeling is good! ;)
Kylie Purtell said…
Thanks Francesca, you're a gem!
Kylie Purtell said…
Thanks lovely, it definitely feels a bit like the satisfaction after a spring clean!
Kylie Purtell said…
Thanks V. It took me ages but its so worth it once its done.
Kylie Purtell said…
Once I found out how to do the bulk changes it was much quicker and easier, but I had already done so many the manual way I was seriously annoyed that I hadn't googled how to do it earlier!
Kylie Purtell said…
Certainly is, a change is as good as a holiday I reckon!
Kylie Purtell said…
I'm catching up on your blog Kylie. I really love the new look and the changes you made. Love the colors and it's looking great!

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