My Week According to Instagram 18.11.12
1. Dave got some new washing up liquid, Peppermint. It's like doing the dishes with After Dinner Mints! | 2. I made Strawberry Mini Muffins and they were surprisingly good! | 3. #fmsphotoaday Can't (won't) live without :: Punky really knows how to fall asleep anywhere | 4. #fmsphotoaday Night :: at night I tap away on the keyboard
1. #fmsphotoaday Drink :: love a cup of tea | 2. The motherflipping HUMONGOUS white-tail spider that was on the wall outside our bathroom. It was so huge I heard it before I saw it! | 3. I am woman, see me multi-task! Watching #oneborn while tweeting and IGing on the treadmill! | 4. Asleep again in the most uncomfortable looking of positions!
Looking through the Homecare catalogue at my Mum's is a very humourous affair! For every handy thing there is an equally ridiculous thing. Velvet Kaftan or trackies that look like jeans anyone?
1. #fmsphotoaday Where I Slept | 2. A very tired and over it little girl after being at our cousin's wedding all day | 3. My sister A and I tried to get a nice photo at the wedding and our other sister and BIL's photobombed us majorly! | 4. The view from the reception my cousins wedding at Clovelly
1. My poor little Punky ended up with her first sunburn after the wedding and I feel like a very bad Mum! | 2. #fmsphotoaday Man-made :: a man-made bubba in a man-made sports car for the first time | 3. #fmsphotoaday In Your Bag | 4. #fmsphotoaday Last Thing You Bought
#fmsphotoaday View from the window - the view from the reception at Clovelly Bowling Club
The last of the amazing sunset after my cousins wedding. Perfect way to end the day!
#fmsphotoaday This happened on the weekend :: my cousin got married!
Once again it's been a very busy week. Busy but good! We are really getting down to the business end of 2012 now and things are only going to get busier! Over the next three weeks we have Punky's first birthday, multiple other people's birthdays, my sister Kate's wedding and a Wiggles concert! And that's not even taking in to account the other things planned, like a trip to the movies, dinner with my girls and Christmas and New Year!
I am hoping to squeeze in a trip to Wagga to visit my sister Kate after Christmas too so its gonna be fun. 2013 looks like it's also gonna be a big year, lots of things in the works and big changes for Dave at work, but good changes, so I am one very happy chappy!

Don't forget to enter my giveaways!

And I just realised you've cracked 200 followers - nice one, well done x
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