Update - 30 by 30

Here's the list as it stood 19.01.10 (I'll make today's updates in green)
1. Buy & Learn how to use a sewing machine (I am trying to convince Dave to get me one for this birthday!)
3. Get a new kitchen (this probably won't happen now until after bub and I've gone back to work)
4. Get a new bathroom (hoping to get this organised in the next month or two. We have a three-way bathroom and we are probably just going to get the shower/bath area completely re-done)
6. Landscape the backyard and turn it into a proper outdoor entertaining area
7. Make myself a skirt and wear it out!
8. Knit a pair of socks
9. Finish my knitted patchwork blanket
10. Climb the Harbour Bridge (yeah, can't see this happening now)
11. Go to the Northern Territory (I'm working on this, though Dave doesn't seem to understand the concept of a babymoon!)
13. Dye my hair black (I've bought myself a voucher for a full colour, foils, cut & blow-dry which I intend to use towards the end of the year so might do it then)
15. Go deep-sea fishing
16. Play paint-ball
20. Read 200 books Update: have currently read over 35 books, so doing well(I've currently read about 115 so I think I can do this, until a baby comes along and derails me!)21. See Coldplay live (There is no way I could camp for days at Splendour so hoping they will do some side-shows in Sydney, not holding my breath though!)
22. Write a short story
23. Pay off the credit card Update: Have now split credit card and doing Very good job paying one of them off (See number 2)24.
25. Un-pack every last box in the house (This is going to happen in the next month or two due to now needing the space to fit a new member of the household in!)
26. Got to Tasmania
28. Organise and maintain a proper filing system where filing is done more than once a year at tax time! (this is slowly happening. I've shredded a shit-load of the crap that was in the cupboard, just need to shred a bit more then do final filing organisation)
29. Re-paint the house and fill it with colour (we started this last August and got as far as our bedroom. But it looks damn good. Gonna do a baby room next! Woohoo!)
Update #1 - 29/09/09
*Update #2 - 19/01/10 - You may or may not have noticed, I have actually changed #27 from Go to Fiji to Go Overseas. Due to some developments, overseas is going to be achievable which makes going back to Fiji unachievable.
So as of today's (16.05.11) update I have crossed off 10 items (a third of the list) and have half completed 5 items
And as far as the reading one goes...you'd be suprised how much reading you can fit in around bub! Because Flynn was a champion eater, and wanted to breastfeed every two hours, i spent a lot of time sitting down with a baby across my lap and a book balanced in my other hand on top of him... gently of course!
And I am definitely gonna try and get some more knitting done in the next few months, perfect time to I reckon!
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