What Have I Been Reading Lately? 18.01.11
Well, a lot has been going on in the real world of late, and not much of it great I'm sorry to say. But you already knew that.
I haven't had a lot of blogging inspiration, I suppose it just feels pointless rambling on about nothing when there are so many more important things going on.
In the meantime I resigned myself to going through the bookshelves and pulling out books I've got but never read. I got a bunch when I worked for the Chain Bookstore, mostly advanced reading copies (ARC's) and damaged copies that didn't have to be sent back, so I started with The Camel Club by David Baldacci, followed by The Death Trust, written by David A Rollins, finishing with Hot Blood by Stephen Leather.
I've never read anything from any of those authors before and all three had very similar storylines and themes and I must admit it was hard to keep them all straight in my head. Though not earth shattering, they were pretty good and I particularly liked The Camel Club. I'll try to post some reviews over the next week with some thoughts on them.
I also read another book, one which I can't tell you much about yet (it's not actually published till February), but I will soon, as I really really enjoyed it and I'm pretty sure there are a few of you out there who will enjoy it too.
What have you been reading lately? I've been filling up my wishlist for the Kindle and I'd love a few more suggestions to add to the list.
*My Kindle broke when I went to Melbourne back in November. We were fit into an earlier flight which was packed and so the hosty took my bag to fit in an overhead bin somewhere else on the plane (we were in the first row, otherwise I would have put it under my seat). Anyway, by forcing it into an overhead bin that was already full, the Kindle that was on the back of the bag ended up over the uneven bit and the pressure from everything being compacted when the bin was shut has cracked the screen. Travel insurance didn't cover it, and neither does the warranty for that kind of damage, so I had to get a new one.
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