Listverse...One of My More Favourite 'verses!

If you love useless trivia and fascinating facts then you must check out the greatness that is Listverse.

Listverse is dedicated to the 'ultimate top 10 lists', and there are so many to choose from.

Today I was reading though some of the most recent and I came across the Top 10 Bizarre Accidents.

They're not funny, and in most cases people died, but they certainly are bizarre. Especially Number 4, the London Beer Flood


A Beer Flood.

You should check it out if you have a few minutes to kill.

You should also check out the Top 10 WTF Images of Famous People. These aren't pictures of people like Lindsay or Brittany going off the deep end, these are older celebs, the 'stars of old' and I bet the picture of Audrey Hepburn and Anthony Perkins at number 5 will surprise you!


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