A Pic A Day - July 19th and Point + Shoot
If you live in Sydney then you would have been lucky enough to enjoy the beautiful weather we had over the weekend. It was absolutely gorgeous! Dave and I didn't get up to much on Saturday, just a bit of cleaning and shopping, and then a little drive up to the lookout at Kurrajong Heights. I took a few pictures but they didn't turn out too well. Might try to fiddle with them a bit, see what I can salvage. The following shot I played around with a bit, using the new plugins I got for my editing software. not totally happy, but we're getting there. How was your weekend? Did you get up to anything fun?
Taken July 17th 2010 @ Kurrajong Heights, NSW
P.S. This is my participation in Chantelle over at Fat Mum Slim's Point + Shoot monday meme. If you haven't discovered the goodness that is Chantelle and her blog then I suggest you run, don't walk, here.
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