What Have I Been Reading Lately?

Well, those books finally arrived!
Catching Fire, the second book in the Hunger Games trilogy arrived first, on Tuesday morning. Needless to say I couldn't wait to get home to read it. And read it I did. I finished it at 2am this morning! I just couldn't put it down. While the first half is not as fast-paced as the first book it was still just as good and I really, really enjoyed it. Even despite the fact it basically ended with a cliffhanger. Wher the first book had mostly a conclusive ending, this one just leaves you hanging for the final book. From what I've been able to find on the web the third book is due later this year, some time in the Northern autumn. I'll post a review soon.

So what have you been reading lately? Have you finished anything that was really good and you think I should add to the old wish list?
I've started reading The Elegance of the Hedgehog (Muriel Barbery). I'm not sure about this one yet. Too soon.
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