Only in New York - A Book Review
Only in New York: How I Took Mahattan (With the Kids) by Caroline Overington
Published by Allen & Unwin, Paperback, ISBN: 9781741149616
This was another book I really enjoyed. I've had a good run lately, reading all good books.
While this book may seem like a typical memoir, it's really more than that. While Caroline shares about her life and the things that happen while she is living in New York with her family, she also uses these anecdotes to lead onto obvservations of Americans and the way New Yorker's live.
What B.o.B says -
Most journalists would crawl over broken glass to secure the glittering prize of being a foreign correspondant in New York. Caroline Overington is understandably over the moon about her plum posting, but there's a problem (or two). New York is a great playground for grown-ups, but is the crowded skyscraper capital of the world a good place to live when you're raising toddler twins? As her mother says "Are you mad?".
I first heard about this book when Mia Freedman mentioned it on her blog Mamamia. As I had enjoyed Mia's book I thought this sounded good too. It sat on my wish list for a while and then when Booktopia had a sale I ordered it.
I really like the way Overington writes. It's like she's sitting in your living room having a coffe with you, talking about her adventure.
There are lots of funny parts, and stories about some of the weird and wonderful things that happen in new York. Despite all the stories, I did find that it was less personal than I was expecting, but I can respect that. It was still a good read, and I could definitley have read more.
If you like stories of people's travels and experiences overseas then you will def like this one.
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