Journey to the New Us
Ever since my first wedding anniversary back in August, I have been trying to motivate myself to lose the weight I put back on since my wedding in August 2008.
I've always sturuggled with my weight. The first time I lost weight was at the end of Year 12. I'd always been an average weight, but in Year 11 and 12 I piled on the kgs through eating a sausage roll and mars bar every day for lunch and washing it down with a can of coke. Not to mention the packets of chips and other crap I ate. Once year 12 finished I lost almost 20 kilos, but not in a good way. Studying for the HSC, my girlfriend and I did nothing but chain-smoke our way through 3 months of study and exams.
I managed to keep the weight off for about 5 years. That's a couple of years after Mr.P and I first met and hit the comfortable stage. When we stopped partying and going out as much, staying at home, eating lots of take-away, etc, etc. I put on 25 kilos, and it wasn't until our engagement party in Jan of 2007 that I realised how much weight I'd put on. The photos from that night really dissapoint me and I absolutely hate to look at them. I resolved to lose weight and over the next year put in a half-hearted effort and lost 5 kilos.
It wasn't until January of 2008 that I really got serious about losing the weight. (Nothing like the fear of being laughed at in big white dress to motivate weight loss I used to tell people who commented). Through a combination of will-power, exercise and absolutely no junk food what-so-ever, I managed to lose almost 20 kilos to get to my Wedding Weight of 64kgs.
I managed to maintain that loss for another 6 months or so, and then, some cold weather hit and we got lazy (and possibly a little junk-food crazy after denying ourselves fro soooo long) and Bam! Both Mr.P and I put back on all the weight we had lost. (Mr.P lost about the same as me. At one point he weighed less than I did. Which he currently does now!)
Since September Mr.P has been going to the gym 4 out of 7 days a week. We've been eating healthier (during the week), and I started doing Boot Camp. However once it got too hot Boot Camp was booted, so to speak, and I've been lazy and putting on weight ever since.
But tomorrow that all stops. I joined Weight Watchers Online today and my goal is to get back to my Wedding Weight, and then some. I don't care how long it takes. I just want to feel comfortable in my own skin again, I don't want to get puffed out walking short distances. I want to feel healthy and have the energy I did back before my wedding and the months after. I don't want to have to buy anymore larger clothes, I want to wear all the clothes I bought when I lost weight again.
This is the picture that gives me motivation. (I'm the one on the end in black). Taken in Fiji on my honeymoon. I want to look like that again, happy, healthy, and most of all, able to dance around crazy with a bunch of Fijians!
And I will do it. Part of my weight loss motivation will be to share all this on my blog, to keep myself accountable in some way. And that's why I've joined Journey to the New Us, a blog started by a couple of girls who's blogs I read and who are wanting to change their life too. Designed to be a way to keep ourselves accountable and to give each other support, I'll post my weekly weigh-in results there, and also here, every Tuesday.
Another motivator I have is something that I can't share just yet, as I'm not supposed to tell anyone, but as soon as I can I'll let you know. It's a real motivator for wanting to be fit and have more energy, coz I'm gonna need it!
And the final reason? Mr.P and I want to start a family maybe next year and I know that currently, while I am overweight, it will be tougher to achieve that and I want to give us the best chance possible of having a healthy baby.
So here's to a New Me (old me?) in 2010.
Find me here:
The best thing I did in 2009 was join the gym.
Ooh I wanna know what this extra motivator is .. Tell me pluheeese? When do we find out???
Great pic btw!
We are all here to help you through it all!! I must say after joining up the lovely girls on the blog, I am more determined to get to my final goal weight!
Oh I went to Fiji on my honeymoon in 2006 and those Fijian's sure know how to party!!! It was awesome!
hehe :-) xx
Best of luck with the journey ahead... it's simply a matter of mind over matter - hmmmmm... sounds a little easier than it actually is? Perhaps I should take my own advice!
of support ladies. I'm only on day 2 but I've
managed to stick to my points and get a bit
of waling in. Trying out my Biggest Loser
Fitness dvd tonight so there could be a post
tomorrow about how sore I am!
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