In My Mailbox...

...well, my work Inbox anyway!
Oh yes, I got a book and two DVD's I have been waiting on!!! Yay!
So what book and DVD's I hear you ask?
Well, the book is Why We Suck by Dennis Leary. I've been waiting a few weeks for this and it finally showed up from the US today! Yay! Can't wait to start this as soon as I finish the book I'm working on now...more about that book in another post!
The DVD's? I grabbed How I Met Your Mother Season 4 and Gossip Girl Season 1 (yes, I know I am behind the times on this one, but I refuse to pay for Foxtel so have been watching on Go! but I always miss weeks so I thought Screw It! I'm just gonna buy the DVD's instead, and then I can request Season 2 from someone for Christmas!)
Have you had anything exciting show up in your mailbox today? Do you have something exciting due to arrive this week?
I'm still on book buying ban, so no new books for me...
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